Ellen, besides teaching at Douglas College, has been on the faculties at UBC and the Courtenay Youth Music Centre. She has appeared with her husband on several major tours, most recently in the Far East. A tour of Australia is in the works for the Silvermans in the spring of 1986. The Douglas College Scholarship Concert will be held September 20 at 8:00 p.m. in the Performance Theatre, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster. Admission will be be $10 for the general public, $5 for students and seniors. - DOUGLAS COLLEGE NEWS SERVICES Library Reading Display The library has established a permanent display of leisure reading books on the main floor of the library. Located behind the new book display shelves to the left of the library entrance, the areafeatures high quality fiction from the library's literature collection. "Many library users go to the paper back racks to find a novel to read, but overlook our fiction collection", said Library Director Virginia Chisholm. "The new leisure reading display will make quality fiction more accessable to our borrowers", she added. Faculty, staff and students are welcome to come and look through the new display which is replenished as needed. Ralph Stanton Employee Library Cards Most of the Douglas College Employee Library cards have been prepared and delivered by interoffice mail. If you have not received your card yet, please come to the library and let us know. Or phone Carole at 2112 for a renewal. Acting Dean Sept. 16-19 Jack Ferguson will be the Acting Dean of the Academic Division during my absence from September 16 to 19. Gordon Gilgan Mad Hatter Page 2 | Biology Challenge ’85 Projects There is always something which we would like to see done in our individual disciplines to improve our method of instruction, or to increase our community involvement. However, there never seems to be enough time. This past summer Biology was for- tunate enough to have some of our 'wish list' addressed by some of our own students working under the Challenge '85 program. We had three projects funded, employing 10 students, 9 of which were from Douglas College. One of these projects involved the production of educational displays to demonstrate our course materials in the laboratory. We had students produce illustrated posters on ultrasound, prosthe- tics, mosses, plants, and many other topics. In addition, they put together bioramas on the seashore and a bog, plus collections of various plant materials. A second project helped Biology deal with alooming copyright problem. The students replaced many existing diagrams in our manuals which were photocopied from textbooks with other, original drawings, based on the same sources. They produced beautiful work, and they were very quick. In addition to working on the manuals they drew several graphics for brochures and posters being done. on other projects in the lab. Our final project was to produce a brochure and report which would enable people to enjoy natural history within New Westminster's city limits. Such publica- tions would be especially valuable for parents looking for an interesting outing with their children in their own neighbour- houd, or people who do not have ready access to public transportation. Four of our students combed the city this summer, assessing various sites for their interest in terms of natural history. Those which appeared promising were studied in greater detail. Complete species lists of their flora and fauna were included in a report. We presented these students with ambitious