MAD HATTER PAGE 5 Se || DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES the importance of their involvement. I believe that the presentation was well received, and I am pleased to report that student involvement in the govern- ance system during this next year ap- pears likely to be much more evident. This involvement would not have been possible without the energetic co-oper- ation of the Student Society. On Sept.29 the Douglas/Kwantlen Faculty Assoc. members rejected a negotiated "package" which would have provided for 5 days leave without pay during this academic year as a result of the Re- straint II budget difficulties. Asa consequence of the negative vote, Notice of Intent to Terminate was given to 9 regular faculty members. Consultations are now in progress regarding the poss- ibility of alternative employment with- in Douglas or Kwantlen Colleges. Since then, the Faculty Association has undertaken a review of the action, and has made a proposal to the College that was received at noon on Thursday October 21. I have appointed an ad hoc caommit- tee to review the proposal, do the appropriate staff work, and make rec-— ommendations in this regard. Later in this meeting, I will be requesting the Board to identify the means by which they would like to handle a possible recommendation by the administration in this regard. The Administrative Group (excluded per- sonnel) of the College unanimously en- dorsed a proposal that I was prepared to make to the College Board last month, that a 3% rollback of salaries occur, effective this month. It is increasing- ly clear that this was a timely and appropriate move which will materially assist the College this year, and the next. A formal complaint has been lodged against a member of the administration. This camplaint is under review by a duly consituted committee. A grievance by the Faculty Association on behalf of one of their members has been brought to the 3rd stage, which involves my review and adjudication. The grievance was brought ona number of counts. I have accepted certain aspects of the Faculty Association's contentions, and therefore directed that appropriate remedy occur. E. INTERNAL MATTERS - GENERAL On September 22, a College Assembly was held at which time I provided in- formation to all college employees who attended with a general analysis and review of the current college financial situation. Mrs. Casher and Mrs. Chute attended. -Discussions have been ongoing with the - Deans regarding the reduction in the size of our educational administration. By the time of the next Board Meeting, appropriate announcements will have been made in this regard. The move to the Royal Avenue Site is now commencing, as our Chemistry Lab was re- moved to that location on Tuesday, October 19th. I am pleased to report that the College is apparently mmning reasonably smooth- ly, but must make the Board aware that the employees of the College are under- going increasing levels of stress as a result of concerns over job security, and the severe measures introduced last June in order to control our very limi- ted operating fumds, especially in the support areas of the budget.