Acting President’s Report Internal The Budget Workshop was held on June 10 and was well attended by members of the College community. The workshop addressed all of the major financial data in the College, from financial statements to budget guidelines, budget allocations, budget reductions, communications with the Ministry and the FTE audit. On behalf of the College, I would like to thank Peter Greenwood, Karen Maynes and Roy Daykin and staff for the planning efforts put into this important event. The College was advised at the Steering Committee meeting on June 11 that the Provincial Police Chiefs are prepared to endorse the curriculum for the proposed Police Science Studies Program. This very significant level of support is welcome news. On June 13, I had the honor of presiding with the Board Chair at the Annual Convocation ceremonies. Credit and appreciation are due to everyone who worked to make this event the academic highlight of the year. On June 18, the Vice-Presidents held their second standing meeting since June 10. During the meeting Peter Greenwood MNsioe_weorwanoy INside Douglas College is published the first Tuesday of every month by the Communications & Marketing Office and the College Duplicating Centre. The next issue will appear on Aug 6. Deadline for submission for next issue is noon Tuesday, July 23. Submissions on floppy disk in WordPerfect or ASCII format would be appreciated. Material may be edited for brevity and clarity. Tips, scoops and suggestions are always welcome. Please contact the Communications & Marketing Office, (604) 527-5325, FAX: (604) 527-5095, Room 4700 at the New West campus, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 presented an overview of the plans for the physical move into the new campus in August. I also met with the Board Chair on June 18 to provide a summary of priorities prepared by the Vice-Presidents to take the College through to the September opening of the new David Lam Campus: 1. David Lam Campus: Administration 2. President’s Council: Inaugural Meeting 3. Instructional/Non-Instructional Schism 4. Framework Agreement: Proposed Strategy 5. Planning Process 6. David Lam Campus: Physical Move/ Logistics 6a. Staff allocations (FT/PT) 6b. Faculty (FT/PT and Visiting) 7. Classification/Reclassification (exempt) 8. Pay Equity 9. KPMG Assessment of Learning Technologies 10. B.C. Open University External The working documents which present the British Columbia Open University model to the Presidents of the Open Transition...continued from page 1 “The third task must begin its resolution immediately, but must also allow enough time for wide searching and a College-wide process,” Nicholson notes. “The second task is the most challenging, calling for considerable speed combined with great care and the broadest participation available, given the time- frame and time of year.” To address the second task, an Interim Presidential Search Committee is being formed, with a recommended membership of: ¢ aCollege Board appointee; ¢ the Chair of Education Council or designate; the Chair of the College Operations Group or designate; ¢ a Senior Instructional Administrator, ¢ a Staff Representative appointed by the B.C. Government Employees Union; * a Student Representative appointed by the Douglas College Student Society; and Learning Agency, Langara College, Capilano College and Douglas College have been tabled for discussion and comment to the Education Council, the College Board and College management. The documents and the concept will be the focus of a meeting on July 19 between the four Presidents and our Ministry’s Deputy Minister On June 14, Devron Gabor from the Ministry visited the College to discuss a number of matters with Peter Greenwood, Mia Gordon and myself. Central to the conversation were the mechanics of calculating FTE enrolments in various programs throughout the College. That evening I had the pleasure in participating with members of the College Foundation and Capital Campaign in an Asian community fundraising supper in Coquitlam. In closing, I would like to express appreciation to College Faculty and Staff, College Administration and Board Members for the extraordinary support and co-operation over the past few weeks. Such continued efforts certainly will enable the College to manage the key priorities before it in the months ahead. A sincere thank you. | ¢ Six faculty members appointed by the Douglas College Faculty Association. The Board has named Nicholson to chair the Interim Presidential Search Committee. The Committee will obtain and review applications for the position of Interim President, and short list and interview appropriate candidates in order to recommend a maximum of three candidates to the College Board. The Board also recommends that management consultants, under the direction of the Search Committee, be used to expedite the search process. The person who takes the position of Interim President will not be eligible for the permanent position of College President. Members of the College community are welcome to nominate individuals for the position of Interim President by forwarding names to Marian Exmann in Personnel and Labour Relations. For more information, contact Neal Nicholson at 688-3799. J