INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE/NOVEMBER 29, 1988 era President’s Report continued in B.C. on federal monies for the provision of technical and vocational education. As the Board knows, the steady withdrawal of the federal government from direct par- ticipation in public vocational und technical programs, is throwing additional burdens on provincial expenditures, and has also left a gap in general public policy relating to open access to training. It is my understanding that a new Associate Deputy Minister is now being sought for our Ministry, whose sole con- cern will be "job training”. This may indicate a recogni- tion of the need for careful work and planning in this field, and as such, is a positive sign of new directions. The College will be favored by an informal visit of our new Deputy Minister, Mr. Gary Mul- lins, next Monday - November 21st. [intend to broach this topic with him at that time, as well as the current situation of Douglas College in terms of space, programs, and the proposed transfer of BCIT programs to the College. On October 24th, Mr. Dean Goard visited the College, to dis- cuss the nature and directions of college/university relationships. Mr. Goard is the staff officer who coordinates inter-university affairs between our three provin- cial universities. The College relationship is of increasing sig- nificance to the universities, and he visited our College in order to get a sense of the current state of the field through college eyes. He spent a productive morn- ing and afternoon, discussing a range of matters with the Deans, Directors, and Chairmen. On October 26th, the Provin- cial Access Committee Consultation team visited the College in order to obtain points of view regarding the recently tabled Access Report. They met with representatives of students, faculty, staff, ad- ministration and the Board. INTERNAL MATTERS - EDUCATION On October 31st, the new Arts Management Program stu- dents and faculty had their first open house/social in the College Boardroom. This program is a product of collaboration be- tween faculty in the Commerce and Business Administration and Arts and Humanities Depart ments, and represents an exciting array of students of dif- ferent ages and backgrounds. Enthusiasm is obviously high, and reflects credit on those who have worked so hard to bring the program into existence. On November 7th, I attended a meeting of the Academic Division faculty, on the topic of position of Department Chair- man on the pay scale. On November 8th, a delega- tion of students from the Visual Language Interpreter Program, visited me to articulate their anxieties over their financial sup- port through CEIC, and the uncertainty regarding the length of their program. These concerns continue to be addressed by Dean John Mc- Kendry and Ms. Bev Miller, Acting Director of Social Ser- vices and Allied Health. At the last Management Com- mittee meeting, formal approval was given to the creation of an advisory committee of faculty members to the Community Resource Development Officer, the intent being to recommend on ways by which faculty mem- bers could be given increased assistance in obtaining access to outside funds in order to further faculty based projects. At the last Management Com- mittee meeting, Al Atkinson, Dean of Educational and Stu- dent Services, tabled a document on long range plan- ning, that contains specific recommendations for improve- ment of our long range planning activities. The report focused especially on the linking of long range planning, to College operations, the annual budgeting process, and the notion of specific accountability for achieving of goals. Implicit in the report also, is the concept of linking marketing activities, to the overall plan. Following a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that a regular meeting of the College administration - the management forum - would be devoted to this topic. It was fur- ther agreed that we would invite representatives from the Student Society, the Faculty Associa- tion, and the BCGEU, because of the significance of the report. continued on page 10 9