women les ove anneal femmes World ebkleamotea meee JOBS JORS JOBS JOBS JORS JORS JOBS _ The West Coast Women and Words Society has two positions available: €a SENIOR RESEARCHER and a PROJECT COORDINATOR for its Centennial project, "Women's Voices: A Vancouver Mosaic". These positions will be paid on a fee for service basis. Applicants should have an interest in women's issues, a strong commitment to "Women's Voices" and must be a Women and Words member if hired. “Women's Voices" will collect and animate material which illuminates the role and experience of women in Vancouver's history. Research material will be canpiled fram diverse sources: journals of Vancouver women, past and present; recollections of older women; records of native women's lives: letters; interviews and other records of the lives oF wonen who have inmigrated to this area during the last century. A playwright will give the collected material dramatic form, which Will be brought to the stage by a producer and director. "Women's Voices" will be performed in late May and early June, 1986. POSITION: SENTOR RESEARCHER PERTOD: May 1985 ~ September 1985 (flexible tune schedule, varying from full-time to half-time as needed) FEE: $3,600 DUTIES : Design and coordinate a research plan. Conduct research by interviewing, Library and archival research, ‘Transeribe tapes, catalogue and collate material. Liaise with project | coordinater, volunteers and advisory committee. Write | and present reports. (Duties will vary deperdding upon whether research assistants: can be hired). QUALIFICATIONS DESIRED: Ability to conceptualize research plan, condtict research, catalogue and collate material. Must have experience as an interviewer, demonstrating an ability to establish a rapport with interview subjects. Knowledge of archival research and ethnic wanen's organizations is also essential. * * * * % * ok * * * * * k * * * * * * * POSITION: PROJECT COORDINATOR PERIOD: May 1985 - June 1986 (flexible time schedule, varying from full-time to half-time as needed) FB: $8, 800 DUT'TES: Organize and adiinister all phases of the Wanen's Voices project, fran research bo performance stages. Liaise with senior res@archer, volunteers, project workers, theatre production group and the advisory committee. Establish long and short-term goals. Responsible for budgeting and accounting of project funds. Reeruit and coordinate volunteers. QUALIFICATIONS DESIRED: Administrative and organizing skills. Ability to establish priorities. Knowledge of and interest in theatre production. Ability to coordinate and direct a multi-faceted project in consultation with senior researcher and advisory conmittee. * * * * x * * * * * * * * * * * DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: April 30, 1985 Send to — Women and Words #210 - 640 W. Broadway Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 1G4 (604) 872-8014 Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed May 5 & 6. Positions will start May 13, 1985.