COLLEGE ARCHIVES DOU SLAS MAD HATTERS _ The Canadian Encyclopedia The new Canadian Encyclopedia, published by Hertig, is now available in the library. This new work has been eagerly awaited by the academic community. The authority of the encyclopedia is supported by an impressive list of consultants which runs for two pages. To this must be added a list of contributors totalling 19 pages! The range of topics covered is excellent. For example, every ethnic group and religious sect gets an entry. The Canadian Encyclopedia is the new standard work on Canada as a whole. Faculty members are invited to spend some time looking at this excellent new work located in REF.FR23 C362 1985. Ralph Stanton Air Handling Units In order to obtain the most effective use of the air circulation system in CLASSROOMS we would like to remind faculty members of the following conditions. |. The air circulation system was designed to function best "WITH CLASSROOM DOORS CLOSED. Open doors are counterproductive to the system. 2. The switch with decal "switch on for air conditioning" must be on to activate the air circulation system. When film and overhead projectors are being used, it would be desirable to leave on the special bank of lights. Terry Leonard ~ Applications for Graduation Spring 1986 Please be reminded that all students qualifying for graduation MUST APPLY TO GRADUATE. Applications for Graduation are located in the Office of the Registrar. Applications will be accepted until FEBRUARY 3rd, 1986. Joan Murdoch a The Douglas College Health & Safety Committee would like to be fully informed about health and safety issues arising in the College. We encourage communications from staff, students, faculty and administrators on matters that involve health and safety. The Health and Safety Committee is constituted under Workers' Compensation Board regulations and serves inan advisory capacity to the manage- ment of the College. The College is responsible for the initiation and maintenance of a workplace health and safety program. By regulation: the Committee is structured to ensure equal representational status for Management and employee participants; all decisions are by majority vote; management and staff alternate in co-chairing meetings. Our work as advisors requires that we be aware of information, concerns, and complaints regarding health and safety issues in our work- place. We also welcome questions and advice. In the past, the Committee has discussed issues such as: the provision of first aid attendants, safety considerations for disabled students, building air quality, the need for an emergency evacuation plan, the safe functioning of techni- cal equipment, cleanliness standards in wash- rooms, safety measures for the concourse, and security provisions, among other items. As well, the Committee is charged with ensuring that workplace inspections are carried out. Copies of the Committee's terms of reference can be obtained from any member. We would like to ask that copies of all correspon- dence on health and safety-related issues be directed to the Committee via its members: Barbara Edwards (Co-chair and BCGEU rep.) Local 2300 ...continued on next page