Eovincl Exams Announced News Release from the Ministry of Education, August 31, 1983. Provincial examinations in grade 12 academic subjects will be required for students in both public and funded independent schools starting January, 1984, Education Minister Jack Heinrich announced today. Academic subjects are defined as English le, Literature 12, French 12, German 12, Spanish 12, Latin 12, Algebra 12, Biology 12, Geol- goy 12, Physics 12, Chemistry 12, Geography 12 and History 12. "It is important that we return to central- ly-marked provincial examinations to ensure that there is a consistent measurement of the quality of education in the province," said the education minister. "We are plac- ing a great deal of importance on the exam- inations and the results of the writing will count for 50 per cent of a student's final standing, while the remaining 50 per cent will be based on a school mark." The minister said the exams will be deve lop- ed provincially by committees of teachers and will be based on provincial curriculum. Exams will be two hours in length with scholarship candidates writing an additional one hour section. Schools will continue to issue Dogwood cer- tificates, the minister said. In February and August, exam results will be sent dir- ectly to students with copies to schools and regeusted post-secondary institutions. Fol- Yowing receipt of the marks schools will up- date statements of standings and issue cer- tificates. "T recognize that the re-introduction of provincial exams poses some questions," said Mr. Heinrich. “What I have asked the minis- try to do is send out a letter outlining policy and school procedures, including schedules, and provide answers to immediate questions." He said an information sheet will be provid- ed to both students and parents regarding all aspects of the examinations. | IAOLIMT A fo ss DOUGLAS COLLEGE JLLEGE ARCHIVES Mad Hatter Page 5 ] | The minister released the following sched- | ule for Provincial examinations: | | Jan. 23-30 Provincial Examinations, Scholarship Examinations Feb. Examination results sent to schools and students June 14-22 Provincial examinations and | scholarship examinations ; July Examination results to be | sent to students, schools and requested post-secondary in- stitutions Aug. Supplemental examinations Registration In spite of a record level of demand by | students, it was obvious that this year's | registration was the most successful, from every point of view, that the college has | ever held. | Registration time is one of the few times of the year when staff, faculty, adminis- tration, and the student organization, can work together visibly on our common goal of educational service. The quality of the job done reflected con- fidence in each other. It was a good start} to what will be an exciting year of accomp= | lishment. Bill Day | | | Magazine Issues Missing On the following two pages are listed jour- nal issues which are missing from the lib- raries collection. If any faculty, admin- istrator or staff member has one of these issues and is willing to part with it, could they please send it to the library in care of Ralph Stanton. We will bind the completed sets for the libraries collection. Thank you for assisting. Ralph Stanton