3 Mad Hat Hatter Decanber 19, 1983 Douglas { wsletter. fi fre Part sk HVES IMPORTANT DATES FROM THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR *CORRECT ION From December 24 - 28, the Office of the Registrar will be closed - Not the College as a whole, as previously announced. PAYROLL DATES There are no changes to payroll dates during the Christmas - New Year period. Payroll cheques/stubs will be available for pick-up in the Accounting Department (south building, 4th floor, Room 4700) on the appro- priate days from 0830 to 1630 hours. Dates are as follows: Administration, Regular and Temporary Faculty - December 28, 1983 Contract (Sessional) Faculty - Decenber 30 Regular Staff - December 30 Auxiliary Staff & Student Assistants - December 23 PARKING PASSES To renew your parking pass please confirm in writing, accompanied by a cheque or money order for the following amount: (cheque made payable to Imperial Parking). semester monthly $48.00 - $15.00 - For your convenience, Imperial Parking has a mail slot in the college mailroom. During registration, a booth for parking passes will be in the corridor by Station 1. (check in) LIBRARY HOURS OVER CHRISTMAS SEASON Regular hours until December 23 Closed December 24 - January 3 Registration week (January 4 to 6): 0830 to 1630 hours Regular hours begin again January 9 HEATING AND COOLING PROBLEM (Proposal to Administration) RATIONALE: In view of the call to productivity, I would like to point out that extremes in temperature are leading to inability to write in the south end of this building, and persons falling asleep from lethargy in the north end.,.and persons who move from end to end suffering from debilitat- ing upper respiratory afflictions. PROPOSAL : 1. That all staff and faculty be presented immediately with a fashion workshop on "Attractive Styles in Layered Clothing" for the ‘south' inhabitants and "Tropi- cal Styles Suited for Caribbean or Ha- waiian Holidays" for the ‘north' inhab- itants, 2. That all monies deducted from salaries during the “job action" be promptly set up into a Clothing Allowance Fund, with a sliding scale depending on the costs. Cathleen Smith