Jillian McMullen Staff Writer Ihe back-to-school season has a way of totally altering everyday life as a Photo by Analyn Cuarto Millennials actually do care about politics > Don’t assume we're ignorant of societal issues Cazzy Lewchuk Contributor here is an assumption held by older generations that millennials do not care about serious issues. It is assumed we are too busy taking selfies, being financially irresponsible, or ordering avocado toast to really care about problems with society. Supposedly, millennials are too lazy and narcissistic to really give a damn. use social media a lot and follow a wide variety of people, and naturally this includes many people my own age. From my experience, it is usually the ones under 30 who are most actively talking about politics, social issues, and other important topics. It’s not just one type of person who does this, either. Whether someone often posts about complex problems or mostly just memes, the awareness is there. Contrary to popular belief, we can care about many things at once. Young women can spend their time caring about makeup and Instagram, and still know the realities of patriarchal oppression and systematic inequality. whole. Bars that were filled to capacity just one week ago are now essentially empty. Beaches—where families and youth had flocked to for entire days—are deserted, save for the residents living adjacent to them. Television breaks are littered with promotional ads directed Ina world now more connected than ever before, it is easier for this generation to understand how others live. We are less isolated and more in touch with the harsh realities of societies across the globe. This leads to us being exposed to a lot more points of view and information, allowing us to form more informed opinions and values. The young adults of today are more progressive than ever before. We are overwhelmingly rejecting capitalism, embracing feminism, fighting white supremacy, and aiming for a just and fair society. We are tired of being ignored and rejected by previous generations that have given us a world of irreversible climate change, high income inequality rates, and a Donald Trump presidency. It is the “lazy millennials” who speak up for equality and aim to create a society where everyone is accepted and provided for. We may not share all the same values as our parents, but that’s because we come from a different era. Do we really have less of a work ethic, or are we simply rejecting the idea that one should spend their life working for low wages at something they (¥ Armpit hair on women is natural and should not be shamed (¥ Cartoons and animated movies aren't just for kids And more! An argument against education. > Why university shouldn't have to be everyone’s first choice at college students for new laptops or cellphones. Even the bus routes change to accommodate the educational year. But for those not attending post- secondary, the day after Labour Day is exactly that: Just another day. Rewind now to the spring. Every June, new high school graduates are asked what they plan on doing after what could be considered the “necessary part” of their education, the part society expects them to complete. Most—I would argue—answer with some synonym describing post-secondary education, be that college, university or “college then university.” This is because the last two to three years of high school are spent reinforcing the idea that to be a successful member of society, one must seek out classical education. Take for example one of British Columbia’s graduation requirements, the completion of “graduation transitions” by Grade 12 students. This includes proof of prior community engagement and the development of both a health and a “career and life” plan. On one Vancouver district school website, the administration has laid out a post- secondary survey that students must complete which, at one point, asks whether their post-secondary plans are “taking a gap year, finding temporary employment, or attending a post- secondary school.” The question looks innocent at first, but the language it employs insidiously suggests post- secondary education is the only real option, with the other two being merely temporary gaps between high school and, eventually, university. As I mentioned above, the completion of a university program is often used as a marker for success in our society; education is the first step to a high paying career. Initially, I—like many others—entered a program that would funnel me into a stable career at the completion of my undergrad. Like many others as well, I hated it and experienced a lot of disillusionment in my relationship with education. I spent four years worth of semesters enrolled in this program that I had committed to way back when I wrote my graduation transitions. By the time I inevitably switched out, I had wasted thousands of dollars on tuition and textbooks. My university experience is not exceptional. In a Globe and Mail article published last year, it states that 20 per cent of students who enter university are cited as having quit permanently, with “20 to 50 per cent [of students] drop[ping] out of the program they had initially chosen.” Students know better than anyone how expensive school is, and most have only one opportunity to get their undergrad. When you consider the cost, it is clear that students should only enroll in post-secondary if they want to, not because they feel they ought to. We need to change the rhetoric of “university above all else” to one of “experience above all else” and begin valuing entrance into the work force and travelling as equally valid career paths that are neither gaps nor temporary. C C It is the “lazy millennials” who speak up for equality and aim to create a society where everyone is accepted and provided for.” hate just so they can survive? Are we too irresponsible to save money, or are we living in a time when financial security is mostly allocated to the privileged? The world today is much different than it was a few decades ago. We may have more access to technology, but we are facing a much scarier future than previous generations. Politics is complicated and dull at the very least, and there are no easy solutions to any of the complex problems facing the world. I truly believe our generation cares more than any generation that has come before, and we are seeking to create a better environment for the future.