PSC Tues Sept 9, 11-2: SOE Coquitlam Campus [igen rolls yee re (Boarding 7-8pm) a as ——aaz____— rail AE sonia Get tickets at Ace eee TICKETS: alee Students | WHERE: on $15 | Guest Cy pina MWA] Marlee] ela mel Nem EPs em EL (e) at Ba douglas Students Union P93) @dsurs j G)OOHLALA app A9+/Id R Required) DOUGUASIS LUDENTSJUNION iric re BOMRAS STS WHI "Plant a safejride|home ee kL] é amie Pc ee eet Health & Dental Plan ae Important Note* << inom if you are covered by another plan, & e.g. through your parents or work, you teat cther sudents tke-you can opt-out online at See and receive a refund. Easily exchange your class achedule with your tiends. ae vents naa abe ut all of the evens on campus Never wasie time looking for locations on campus Join the conversation on cance The Opt-out deadline is Sept 30. 000)