> April Ist to April 14th, 1982 (FRIDAY APRIL 2 The Good Doctor, presented by the Douglas College Theatre Group at James Cowan Theatre, 6450 Gil- i 939-6611 or 291-6864. a Verdi Requiem, with the Vancouver Boys Choir and VSO at the Orpheum 4th Annual Douglas College Booze Crooze. $16 The Ecstasy of Rita joe at . East Cultural Centre, ntinuing to April 17. Is for vim, vigor, vitality SUNDAY* APRIL % Last Sunday that the New West Library will be open until the fall Lynn Harrell, cellist with the VSO at the Orpheum MONDAY APRIL 5th B.C. Photographers '82, at the Robson Square Media Centre 800 Robson Street until April 18 Theatre 171 presents Studio Performance at the Wins- low Campus gym 12:?00 to low Campus gym 12:00 to 12:30 free admission The Other Press WEDNESDAY* APRIL # ‘‘From Florida to Arizona’’— a slide show by Alice and Harold Utas at the New Westminster Public Library 2:30 April 14 at 7:30 APRIL 8, 9, 10 City Nights by Pacific Ballet Theatre at the UBC Old Auditorium SATURDAY APRIL 10 The Subhumans with the Fartz and Effigies at the Oddfellows Hall, Commer- cial and Gravely Street, Vancouver. 8:00 p.m. $5 A Day for Survival at Capi- lano College 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. $2., $1 for seniors, students and unemployed Swan Lake by the Pacific Northwest Ballet Co. at Q. E. Theatre to April 13 THURSDAY APRI_ 15 Table Clinics on ‘‘Dental Health Ed.”’ at the McBride cafeteria 1:30 to 3:00 Douglas College Jazz Band at the Vincent Massey Aud- itorium 8:00 no admission charge e 11 FRIDAY APRIL 16 Douglas College Concert Band and Concert Choir at the Vincent Massey Audi- torium 8:00 free?! MONDAY APRIL 26 Wemen’s Options in '80’s seminar 8:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Daycare provided $5 Register before April 20 at 521-4851 local 218 Special AGM of the Other, Publications Society 1:00 at the McBride cafeteria. Be there! ! : and Vasque Walk-abouts ... ness hike.. And more! ‘ (Available at leading across Canada.) WALKING ee Casual stroll or tough wilder- AY . these shoes are made for walkin"! Water repellent leather uppers. Vibram® soles. Cushioned ia insoles, steel shanks. oe sporting good’s stores ° the “Trail Blazers” ess for him and her! 3 ok FINALLY & AGM OF THE ‘OTHER PRESS’ SOCIETY April151982 1:00P.M. _ McBride Site Campus Cafeteria | ee See AGENDA E : . ’ ) PUB NIGHT : 1. ee | ‘2. Budget Presentation ek LIVEBAND & || 5 uertree te FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1982 4. Post Mortem of Last Year 5. New Equipment Expenditures McBride Site Cafeteria 7:00 P.M. - Midnight LAST PUB NIGHT OF THE SPRING SEMESTER Proposed levy increase of $4.00 up to a full course- load levy of $104.00 Be student per semester BE THERE AND CELEBRATE SEMESTERS END PUB FEATURES LIVE BAND “CONTACT”