© ! oe a ee : De d immensely, The comput r workshop. ft haga Te has | cerned ar eatl Yin my writing ow I am able components tha Yea ve be sa oe and ao : on bow, gra Acally, I need to say it. [ hav ano a photo-copy pass for lecture notes. Becaus of my shorter concentration span, and the difficulty to relay a , from my coconut to my right hand, a photoco a Re to better 2 comprehend ue p g ted sre eres ae ikbe on a orn vaotese Ears cles roceavea Cutcrah ae n my own ° / also received tutoring ion a fellow shunt noeth har in gaining meh a1 abn retati of the concept be se lea: ge Aur ch I have been sone es was an shoot or c Sart | enente, rs tr = 0: been ver; aaa ay Fel fs sane to the ners © s th disabilities. The major factor Bee eee provided r College y, staff, adminis > dents © 1 Oo crea an accessible _envir- » and treatin disable _ students with acceptance and respect. the physical site has Soe factor. While the building re perfect, a impaired s its report that it is one gree try h en pleased with atti pee a. rare tes and funding Pee op Tae ease Tactore have mes sabl or Jody Pilling, Suintetan/togtructory