BUREAUCRACY AND CULTURE Fourth International Conference on the Comparative, Historical and Critical Analysis of Bureaucracy ee September 2 - 6, 1985 ca fe Simon Fraser University DOUGLAS COLLEGE Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada The Simon Fraser University Institute for the Humanities is collaborating with the Gottlieb Dutlweiler Institute in Zurich on this fourth international conference on the comparative, historical and critical analysis of bureaucracy. The topic of this conference is BUREAUCRACY AND CULTURE. The previous conferences, partly in cooperation with the New School for Social Research in New York, attempted to analyse the origin and function of bureaucracy. The relationships between bureaucracy and ideology, bureaucracy and law, and bureaucracy and theory were stressed. The fourth conference is cancerned with bureaucracy and culture, the domain of human life which may not yet be totally “bureaucratized”. The themes of the conference are open to many scientific, philosophical, psychological and critical perspectives. It is the aim of the conference to focus on hidden calegories and refiections of bureaucracy in order to describe and examine the directions in society and culture which may now be ignored or misunderstood You may wish to participate in this conference, or you may wish to pass on the information to colleagues at other universities who ought to know aboul it. The conference will feature plenary sessions, panels on specific topics, and reading of submitted papers. Comparative and interdisciplinary contributions from the arts, humanities and social sciences are particularly welcome. Suggested Themes o State, Bureaucracy and Human “Identity” o Historical and Contemporary Examples of Culture as an Expression of the Structure of Dominance (Arts, TV, Education, Sports...) o Culture and Mass Society The Cultural Roots of Peace and Aggression o Symbols and Metaphors of Bureaucracies — Symbols and Metaphors of Culture o The Form and Content of Subversive Culture against Gureaucratic Capitalism ° Steering Committee Or. Rolf Homann, Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute for Economic and Social Studies, “Green Meadow” Foundation, Ruschlikon/Zurich Prof. Russell Jacoby, New Jersey Prof. Wolf-Dieter Narr, Free University of Berlin, West Berlin Prof. Jerald Zaslove, Institute for the Humanities, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver A PS meone ARGHIVES Deadline for Papers and/or Resumes April 30, 1985 Papers (4 copies) and inquiries should be addressed to: Dr. Rolf Homann, Project Manager Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute GH-8803 Ruschlikon, Switzerland Phone: 01 461 37 16 (ask for Or. Homann or Ms. Moser) Conference Registration The conference fee is US $150.00, including decumentation for the conference. North American registrants must submit an international money order in US funds. To register, please send your full name, title. institution/affiliation, complete mailing address, telephone number, and conference fee payment (payable to Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute) to: Bureaucracy and Culture Conference Attention: Dr. R. Homann Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute CH-8803 Ruschlikon, Switzerland Hotel Accommodation A block of rooms for conference registrants has been reserved at the Denman Hotel (Canadian rates — single $58.00, double $70.00; all hotel rooms are subject to a 7% room tax). To make your reservalions, please call or write the hotel directly. before August 1, 1985, and refer to the Bureaucracy and Culture Conference: Denman Hotel, 1733 Comox Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6B 1P6; telephone (604) 688-7711. A second hotel in Vancouver at which conference registrants may wish to reserve accommodation is the Sylvia Hotel (Canadian rates — single $30.00- 48.00; double $37.00-56.00). Again, please write or call the hotel directly: Sylvia Hotel, 1154 Gilford Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6G 2P6; telephone (604) 681-9321. For information on other hotels in Vancouver, please contact the Bureaucracy and Culture Conference, Continuing Studies, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada V5A 156; telephone (604) 291-4771 or (604) 291-4565. For Further Information Contact Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, CH-8803 Ruschlikon, Switzerland, telephone 01 461 37 16 (ask for Dr. Homann or Ms. Moser).