Ae are ~-s -_ - he 1 e | DOUGLAS COLLEGE — 7 - JO uglas college | yh ARCHIVES “ Inter Office Memo if a — a ; : ee nes we To: __ DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD_ —— — — = = — Re: Eee 5 REPORT Ari — ==" = oS gt oS ea oe lef, be A External Matters - Municipal / College | involvement in the creation of an economic strategy for New Westminster Ci shy continues. A number of Douglas Ct ge students — worked Won a Gi sk force ee doing research on this topic over the summer. Salaries were paid ‘through a combination of local donations © and federal government support. : A press conference was. held this marina aking a public | an neuncenets of the formal si gning “OR al contract with A an Clapp & Associates b for Idea Fest ‘86. Mr. Murnane represented the Douglas. College ey Board. Alan Clapp will be meeting with various Col lege constituents . over the near future, in order to ex] the intent. of the project, . and gain suppce ‘There is clear ‘Support from ‘the New West inster fe business community for the project. be ey on the equivalent economic ivities in Coquitlam. Randi Duke is direct] y e coquitlam Chamber of Commerce task force. T also: sit as a periodic. ‘member. The College continues ito. velop plan act Discussi ons ‘continue with “the Coquitlam Planning Department regarding . long range development of the beau am Town Centre, and the necessity © of having a col lege presence in that project. On July 30th, I received a number of Japanese visitors, who are examining the. possibility of using Douglas College as a site for — English Language Training Programs: for a vocational ‘school in Osaka. B. External Matters - Education — Several ‘meetings occurred over the summer of the ‘Counett Of 2s Pe “Pri incipals, with Ministry staff and one major ‘meeting with the 1 [aie Minister of ‘Education, relating to" tong range planing of the: , ‘colleges. Ss The three university reciente have agreed to meet with a small 7 committee of the Council of Principals, — ‘in order to discuss closer * ey. ‘connections for future pl anning between the universities: and Pease t: This meeting should. occur in early ‘October. = sae aie