DOUGLAS CCLLEGE |Mad Hatter Page 3 ARCHIVES Douglas College Book Festival April ll- April 29 Douglas College, in co- operation with the National Book Festival, will be celebrating National Book Week from April 11 to April 29. During this period we will be hosting lectures, workshops, films and displays which we hope will have wide appeal for the entire college and the surrounding communities. Within the next few days posters and brochures detailing the many activities will start to appear. We are hopeful that a great deal of energy and interest in the Festival will have been generated in | the College and the community at large by the time the major events get underway April 22. Don't be surprised when you're offered a poster for your door or handfuls of brochures for students and friends. Here are some of the highlights: The Book Goes to the Movies: A Film Series April 11 - 15 Films daily at 12 Noon - free to all April 11 Fahrenheit 451 April 12 Volcano (Malcom Lowry) {Ten Million Books (Farley Mowat) April 13 { Darts in the Dark (W.0. Mitchell) \Our Kinda Talk (Margaret Lawrence) April 14 My Brilliant Career April 15 Tess Public Lectures Friday, April 22 "The Perfect Critic Would be God": A Personal Perspective on Reviewing Books. 8:00 pm with Eleanor Wachtel, Threatre Critic for the FREE CBC, Editor and Freelance Journalist. Wednesday, April 27 Children Reading Books: Two Perspectives.with Dr. J. Tuinman, Faculty of Education, Simon 8:00 pm Fraser University and Judy Saltman, Children's FREE Librarian, Vancouver Public Library. Are today's children reading less? and what are they choosing to read? Following the presentations, questions and discussion will be moderated by Bill Main, Children's Literature Specialist, Douglas College Department of English and Communications.