THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the snring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O. 2503, New Westminster, B.C. Editor: Melanie Falcon, Surrey Campus 588-4411 Local 283 OLD IS BEAUTIFUL! Gerontology (and Jean Buzan) has finally found a nlace to park its (and her) old bones. Dror in and help christen our first on-carrus "home" with a glass of wine (imrorted-pre- the-last-price-raise), in room 420B, Surrey Campus, from 4 o.m. until the wine is all gone, on Friday November 24. — ee | poucLas COLLEGE g ARCHIVES JOB OFFOPTUNITY apeeuee Director of Student Services: Applications are invited for the position of Director of Stu- dent Services at East Kootenay Community College, a growing comprehensive community college in south-eastern &. C. Under the direction of the Frincipal, the Director of Stu- dent Services is resnonsible for Student and Instructional Suprort Services at the College, including admissions, counsel- ling, educational advisory ser- vices, financial aid, reris- tration, student records and enrolment statistics, library end audio-visual services. Necessary auelifications include education ard work ~exrerience at 2 rost-secon- dary level, rreferably in one or more of the above areas of resvonsibility. Management experience an asset. Interested rarties should Submit a resume to: Dr. D. Lorne Ball, Prin- cipal, East Kootenay Com- munity College, Fox &50, Cran- brook, B. C. VIC 4Jé6. Application deadline: Nov- ember 20, 197€. For further info. call Dr. Ball, (604) 4&9- 2751. THE SOUND CF MUSIC Heritage Musical Theatre will present Rodgers & Hammerstein's "The Sound of Music", November <3 until Dec. 9 at James Cowan Theatre, 6450 Gilpin, Century Fark. _ Tickets are $4 for adults, $3 for students and seniors, and $2 for children. Show time is at €& n.m. For reservations call 291-6864. Srecial groun rates are available on Wednesdev and Thursday nights. K K* Our Lady of Mercy Church will hold a Bazaar and Supper at 74&l 10th Ave., Eurnaby, on November 19, starting at 1:30 rem. The bazaar will feature booths, games and a bake sale. An auction will be held from 2:30 until 4:00 and again after surver. Surrer will be served from 4:30 until 6:30. CLEANING LADI"S Available at reasonable rates. They have references - only a few days and times left. For rore information call: Joan at 937-3&&4 or Linda at 939-0626, after 3 p.m. New Westminster, Cocuitlar, Purnaby areas.