issue 09 / volume 41 humour // 23 | was “BEFORE } \. RAISIN: BRAN. + % f — —_——=———, | a \ ty ee fa fi ; Sa cepen a ne /BuT IT PAT WANT fo pix | TANS FILM ! 1 a i WITH MY Suneise/ ; i | Site “Tt ‘ | SUNSET TRILOGY 3u oY _/ 7h Ler aE TEeeiay A ie + ISEp if fs s'6 oe 17 Poors FA! } \ git f eee MES oye. = Ki CHE Disney princesses can be role models, too... Sharon Miki Humour Editor i 4 humour Photo Illustration by Joel McCarthy By Sarah Walker Snow White as Indira Gandhi, the only woman to serve as Prime Minister of India and a real leader of people. TUES IA OHS BD By Sarah Walker LIKE A WRECKING PUNAZ. TUMBLE