wn et me ee er a ee Resolving to put an end to resolutions BROOKLYN PUB WATERFRONT LOUNGE 250 Columbia St. 604.517.2960 ww w.brooklyn.eca eee reat vl STUDENT NIGHT! AC Tommy . the TUNE TWISTER) By Jacey Gibb, Opinions Editor what that means. It’s a new year, full of new opportunities, new changes, new romances, a new body, new careers; everything’s going to be new and different. All you need to be able to achieve everything you’ ve ever wanted in life is a New Years resolution. Yes, the answer’s been there in front of you all along. You might have been trying to do these things for quite some time now but without making it your New Years resolution, you were destined to fail. I feel like I’m trying to sell you a miracle product for only three easy payments of $19.95, but really I’m just explaining the reasoning behind making New Years resolutions. As soon as the clock strikes midnight, you’ re plunged into an uphill struggle, whether it’s “battling the bulge” or “quitting smoking for real this time”. New Years resolutions are great because it gives us an excuse to do something we’ ve actually wanted to do the entire time, but just didn’t. Make sense? I didn’t think so. I’m worried I might be coming off as a lot more pessimistic than I mean to be. Don’t get me wrong, I still make resolutions every year. The thing I: January again and you know is, I usually make mine something that’s easily attainable like “give up windsurfing” or “inhale less toxic fumes”. The idea behind New Years resolutions, that expressing interest in a goal will give you the motivation to achieve it, is great; it’s the execution of the idea that’s terrible. Though I have no published evidence to support me on this one and am speaking only from life experiences, I can tell you that simply making a resolution doesn’t make a difference. Long-term dedication is the key to success, so deciding this week that you’ re “going to be more honest to people” doesn’t mean you’ll feel the same way ina month’s time. That’s why I propose that New Years resolutions. make like Alicia Silverstone’s acing career and disappear. No more vowing to do more/less/equal amounts of something in the New Year. Don’t even crack jokes about how you’re making a resolution to not make resolutions (Oh look, it’s not even midnight and you broke that one. Whoops.) If you want something done in life, might I recommend taking initiative and making it happen rather than relying heavily on wishful thinking? That’s just my solution for how to deal with New Years resolutions. 15