Halloween Weekend Edition ey Sobrelner Wednesday October 28 BC Place hosts an uber-bill of cross-genre acts Black Eyed Peas and U2 for a special mix-matched show. Who in their right mind put these two acts together? My Pick: This event being entirely sold out. If you’ve got tickets, sell them for lots of cash. Thursday October 29 Check out the Commodore for a two-night booking of some good ol’ fashioned Celtic punk featuring Flogging Moily and Inward Eye. If there were ever a place to drink and drink and fight, then your kicks shall be had here. Ramones cover band The Ramores are playing the Rickshaw theatre if you’re interested in a smaller punk scene. My Pick: Both good shows, but I’d say Molly. Friday October 30 Head to the Blarney Stone for the pre-Halloween bash, Killarney at the Blarney. Punk groups SNFU and The Golers play Pub 340 if you’re still interested in the small scene. My Pick: Flogging Molly if you haven’t already, but go with 340. Saturday October 31 This one is your call. Just about every bar and live venue has something happening so everyone should be broke by the end of the night. If you don’t have plans, just head downtown and check out the Granville strip for costume comparing and tons of things to do. My Pick: Granville strip. Sunday November 1 Queen Latifah plays the Commodore Ballroom, and the day is almost entirely dead otherwise. My Pick: Stay home and nurse your hangover. Flogging Molly The Senator and the Seals presented by the International Fund for Animal Welfare Featuring Senator Mac Harb and Sheryl Fink, IFAW Canada Sunday, November 1, 2009 7:00pm - 9:00pm Douglas College, New Westminster Campus Lecture Theatre 2201 700 Royal Ave. (at 8th Street) 2 blocks north of the New West Skytrain Station OLFAW www. ifaw.org