Opinions Dear Dr. Sex, Featuring Dr. Stephen Sex & Dr. Marilyn Fairchild Off-Course Intercourse bea major foot inadequate. I’ve been an avid reader of your column for quite a while and, well, I’ve never seetert your help more than now. As a het woman it’s hard for me to admit “Dr Fairchild: Everything from t new medication to sleeping oneniee can take away your urge for splooes: _ Dr. Sex: How about your partner’s sac elasticity? I’ve heard droopy balls can also Dr. Fairchild: Age can also play a factor in libido. If you are going through menopause, hormone levels may be fluctuating widely. If you have a current partner right now, it may be that his drive surpasses yours, and makes you feel Dr. Sex: I think she said she doesn’t want anyone right now. Dr. Fairchild: Just covering all bases, Dr. Sex. Dr. Sex: Just keep it focused on home-base. _ Dr, Fairchild: ere you had a bad experi sexual relations in the past or By Laura Kelsey, Staff Photographer t t I t t I t t 1 I t t t t I t t t t Neerah Goel First-Year Applied Bookeeping “No, I’ve never been. They’re late at night and I have early classes. I also have safety concerns; I take public transit and I don’t want to be roaming around after dark if] don’t have to be, 8 ‘WORD ON THE STREET “Have you ever attended a DSU Pub Night?” Derek Clarke-Mastin Second-Year Business “T have. There are a lot of young kids. I’m considering going again; I hear there’s free pizza.” 1 cL t ! z t ft t i I E. i I Greg Lee Second-Year Accounting “No, I’m too busy. I might go soon, though.”