cy 12, 1994 Other Press No Escape a real kill- -O-rama | by Jason Kurylo I was looking forward to the - new Ray Liotta vehicle, No Escape. After all, it’s produced by the same woman that was behind both Terminator spectacles, not to mention a pedestrian little film called Aliens. Mr. Liotta was nothing short of sublime in such films such as Goodfellas, Something Wild, and even managed to make a predictable, stereotypical “thriller,” thrilling, in Unlawful Entry, _ Mix those two ingredients with big stunts and effects; stir in action-movie staple Lance Henriksen (Aliens, Alien 3, Hard Target), and a futuristic-break- out-from-a-sadistic-prison- warden-driven-hell-hole plot, and you've got action fans » drooling at the mouth. ~ - Unfortunately, No Escape turns out to be just that: no escape. Movies like this are supposed to take their viewers to another world. This film, instead of having me on the edge of my seat for the imminent peril of the Even the storyline was a letdown. I thought the film might provide some interesting and original takes on the prison of the future. All No Escape turned out to be, however, was an adult " For those looking for a mindless (and I mean mindless) kill-fest..." characters, had me resting in the back of my chair, thinking “that special effect was kinda neat....” Many scenes in the film seem to be mindlessly thrown in, not because they productively further the story or adventure, but because somebody at the studio thought it would be really cool if a lead character had this happen to him. version of Lord of the Flies. One particular scene in this film is so badly dubbed, by the way, it makes Bruce Lee films look positively Oscar-worthy. For those looking for a mindless (and I mean mindless) kill-fest, or F/X nuts, No Escape is the way to go. But I suggest waiting until it hits the $2 theatres. Love & Human Remains by Tim Crumley When I heard that Unidentified Human Remains and the True Nature of _ Love was leaving the stage and heading for the big screen, I was L-R: Joanne Vannicola (Jerri), ’ Thomas Gibson (David), Ruth Marshall (Candy) in Love and Human Remains, at the Ridge on » June 27 & 28. at once elated and mortified. While I was happy this wonderful gem of a script was going to get the attention it deserved, I also was terrified at what the movie industry was going to do to it. The results are off-white: while the film version stands alone well, and deserves _ attention, wanting to scream ‘you changed a The story centers around David (Thomas Gibson), a thirtysomething gay actor/ waiter who has given up on.... well... alot of things after a failed excursion to Montréal, and his roomate Candy (Ruth Marshall), one of David’s ex-lovers. They are lost, she trying to find solace in a lesbian fling and a bartender, he in the bars and his busboy. There are friends, and weird friends, and sub-plots galore. And there’s also a serial killer. Despite the dark tone in theme, the film is surprisingly funny. About half the film involves this sexual farce thing, where David watchs Candy squirm through I found myself. squeaky situations with courters and lovers. But they watered things down a bit script-wise. Some of it may have involved budget cuts, but some was clearly for upping the audience palatability factor. Like moving the play’s setting from Edmonton to Toronto, for example. Like changing the title. Like watering “down the homosexuality (although it was far better than some films... say, Philadelphia). I don’t know, but Thomas Gibson just wasn’t a good fag. I didn’t feel it. Overall though, I found Love & Human Remains is an amazing film, worthy of attention. Did I forget to mention that Mia Kirshner did an amazing job of making a small role (Benita) do big things?The script is amazing. I could go on and on for hours, but you’re probably bored already, and I’m keeping you from seeing a movie. After 4 Years, 25 Courses and 974. Multiple Choice Suiations The Last You Want is er Number. Thin Anot 687-5891 But you may need it. Ray Liotta (left) and Kevin Dillon walk through average, but ambitious, bloodfest No saat It Hels everywhere. You see, it's the number of the CMA. And in today’s competitive job market, an important number for students considering a career in Management Accounting. The CMA takes your academic qualifications and hones them with managerial and communication skills. Skills you'll need for the fastest growing area of accounting. Forecasts for the 90's show opportunities are growing in Management Accounting while declining in public accounting and auditing. So put your hard earned skills to work. Call this number or send this coupon to the CMA. But hurry! The registration deadline for the June entrance exam is April 15. 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