Charitable Registration 40732735-21-27 LEAF =FAEJ | west coast L.£.A.F. ASSOCIATION 1036-470 GRANVILLE ST. VANCOUVER, B.C. V6C 1V5 (604) 684-8772 September,J2, 1987 Pai . The Women's Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF) is the national organization that supports test cases which will advance women's equality. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Canada's new Constitution includes equality guarantees which are new and which will be tested and defined by the courts. LEAF's goal is to ensure that cases which will positively define and expand women's equality are brought before the courts in a planned and expert manner. LEAF is the only organization designed to take women's equality issues into Canada's courts. LEAF's role is to help women to use the law where it can effectively redress inequality. To provide this assistance, LEAF will: -sponsor equality rights test cases, -provide legal representation for women involved in LEAF- sponsored court cases, -pay case costs, and -undertake research and public education on equality rights for women. The West Coast LEAF Association is the British Columbia branch of LEAF. Its object is to support equality rights litigation for women in B.C., and to work with other LEAF chapters on a national litigation strategy. West Coast LEAF is always interested in hearing from members of the community about potential equality rights cases. West Coast LEAF and the Vancouver Charter of Rights Coalition, a coalition of women's groups working on lobbying and public education for women's equality rights, have a joint speakers bureau. If you would like to invite someone to speak to your class about LEAF's work, equality rights in general or specific applications of equality rights (for example, equality and rights in the workplace or equality issues and the criminal law), please contact the West Coast LEAF office. Yours sincerely West Coast LEAF Association Pers 2 Vin tito. Janet Kee, Coordinator Affiliated with Women's Legal Education and Action Fund 8