MAD HATTER 18 Province of Ministry of Parliament Buildings British Columbia Post-Secondary Victoria x Education British Columbia Canada VaVv 1X4 SUBJECT: September 12, 1986 College and Institute Principals College and Institute Deans Instructional Skills Contact Persons Instructor's Diploma Program As a follow-up to the information on the Instructor's Diploma Program want to 1. presented at the Council of Principal's meeting in August, I confirm the following: The Ministry of Post-Secondary Education has a contract with Vancouver Community College for the delivery of the Instructor's Diploma Program. The Ministry has established a Steering Committee to provide guidance and advice on the operation of the program (Committee membership list attached). The program schedule will be set after the Steering Committee meeting on September 25th. It is proposed that some courses will run at V.V.I. on a one class per week basis this fall and winter and that a limited number of on-site week-long courses also be offered on a "request" basis. Summer school courses will be offered as numbers warrant. The program will not be available on a correspondence basis until Spring 1987. All student records have now been transferred to the Program Development Department at Vancouver Vocational Institute. The Department Head, Brian Dwyer, will be coordinating the delivery of the Instructor's Diploma Program. A progress report on such items as curriculum review, program delivery and operational policies will be circulated after the Steering Committee has met. As we will be planning the future program schedule to meet student needs for specific courses, it will help us if colleges and institutes can identify the number of individuals needing each of the four courses in the program. We will circulate a request for this information later this fall.