Mad Hatter Page 12 douglas college Inter Office Memo Date: _February 29, 1984, To: All College Personnel From: Bill Day Re: _ Privatization As you are no doubt aware, we have recently received correspondence from the Ministry regarding the provincial government's move toward "privatization", as it affects the education system in general, and Douglas College particularly. The only Douglas College program that the Minister of Education has directed us to reduce is our Office Administration program. If you are not aware of this directive, I ask that you check with any member of Management Committee, or with my office. Upon receipt of the letters, I assigned two tasks at Management Committee. One was to seek a legal opinion on the powers of the Board under the new legislation - Bill 20. I expect to receive our solicitor's response within the next two weeks. The second assignment was the preparation of a paper whose purpose is to look at the implications of privatization at Douglas. The Board expects our comment and advice in the near future. This discussion paper was tabled at Management Committee on February 28th, and is reprinted in this edition of the MAD HATTER. Please give it your consideration, and forward any comments you may have to my office for review at the March 13th Management Committee meeting. The Management paper will be reviewed by the Educational Policy & Planning Committee for criticism/endorsation, and EPPCO's views will be forwarded to the Board separately, if its views differ substantially from the Management paper. Time is of the essence. The issue of privatization is of immediate concern. I look forward to your early response, ut ay