Lae eT [0UGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES MAD HATTER PAGE 9 (i) (ii) (ria) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii)that the Publicity Committee look that the Opening Ceremonies Comit- tee be a sub-committee of and res- ponsible to the Publicity Committee. that the Opening Ceremonies Commit- tee undertake to plan and co-ord- inate this event. that members should consist of a representative (s) from faculty, staff, administration, students, Douglas College Board and one mem- ber from the Publicity Committee. that as many members as possible should have previous experience dealing with opening ceremonies. that one member from the Opening Ceremonies Committee, preferably the chairman, oversee and provide direction for the implementation of the ceremonies. This member will then present the ideas and plans of the Opening Ceremonies Committee to the Publicity Commit- tee for feedback/further ideas. that a request be put to the Dean of Educational and Student Serv- ices, Gerry DellaMattia, that he assume the chair of the Opening Ceremonies Committee. that, in order for the Opening Cer- emonies Committee to undertake their responsibilities effectively, a request be made to senior manage- ment asking for a definition of “opening ceremonies" as they see them. ie. what type of ceremonies, the parameters of the event etc. Budgetary information would also be requested, ie. has a separate bud- get been established for use by the Opening Ceremonies Committee? if so, how much? into the possibility of obtaining release time for members of the Op- ening Ceremonies Committee due to the nature and extent of their work- load. a) e) ORIENTATION COMMITTEE; The Publicity Committee agreed that the Orientation Committee he a sub- committee of and responsible to the Publicity Committee. This sub-com- mittee would be responsible for or- ientation of the physical aspect of the permanent campus in that it would: (i) identify forms and vehicles for orientation, eg. tours, maps, training of guides etc. identify the tasks involved in implementing an orientation pro- gram. (ii) The Publicity Committee recommended that members of the Orientation Com- mittee should be from faculty, staff, students, administration, the follow- ing department directors - Registrar's Office - Counselling and Student Ser- vices - Physical Plant, and one mem- ber from the Publicity Committee. The Committee recommended that this service be maintained on a permanent basis and that the focal point/infor- mation booth be established within the vicinity of the Student Services area of the permanent campus if possible. It was suggested that this committee be re-named the Campus Orientation Committee to avoid confusion with the existing Staff Orientation Committee. Bob Scott volunteered as the Publicity Committee representative for the Ori- entation Committee. ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES: That the Publicity Committee be res- ponsible for establishing any addi- tional sub-committees where it is deemed necessary. -* cont'd