MAD HATTER PAGE 2 GOVERNANCE (CHANGES ) In order to complete the implementation of the Governance Structure, a number of students are required for Departmental and College Committees. In order to contact as many students as possible, Kevin Hallgate, Student Society President, and Gerry DellaMattia request your assistance by announcing the following in your classes: "Student representatives are required for the Departmental Curriculum and Planning Committees of the College. Two students are required for each of the following Departments: DIVISION DEPARTMENT Academic Division - Science and Mathematics Applied Programs a Nursing - Social Services and Allied Health = Commerce and Business = Fine and Performing Arts Commmity Programs = Instructional Services Department and Services Division _ Programming Department Educational and Student Student Services and Development Services Division Education = Library and learning Resources — Registrar's Office One representative from each of the College Divisions is required to fill vacan- cies on the College Policy and Planning Committee with one additional person selected as a Representative-At-Large. In order to be eligible for selection, students must be currently registered. Interested students should submit their names to the Student Society Office, McBride Site. Deadline for submission of names is March 19, 1982. Selection of representatives will be made by a panel consisting of a student from the Multi-Campus Council, the Dean of the appropriate Division and one faculty member from that Division." whey