INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / OCTOBER 10, 1989 OPP SR eee TS ET a lh EC ee emma a “CD ROM Demo" continued @ "Promoting the Quality of Presenter: Ralph Stanton (Librarian, D.C. Library) Learning: Do We Send Students Date: November 16 (Thursday) Mixed Messages" Time: 1200-1400 : . What is the "goodness of fit’ between the kind of Location: — Information Desk, Main Library learning we favour and our actual practise in the class- ® Cooperative Learning room? Do the lesson, assignments, and tests we design reflect our commitment to critical thinking? A theoretical perspective developed by Swedish educa- tional researchers is used as a starting point for scrutinizing issues related to teaching approaches and Cooperative Learning offers to the instructor an oppor- tunity to teach any subject, to any group, to any degree of collaboration the students are mady for. This workshop will introduce the fundamentals neces- learming out comes. Saye the design of a successfull cooperative learning Presenter: Gillies Malnarich, Instructor in ope Developmental Studies. Teaches Presenter: Silvia McFadyen, Early Childhood critical reading, leaming/study skills Education Instructor (retired) and a and mathematics certified Cooperative Leaming Trainer, Date: December 7 (Thursday) University of Minnesota Time: 1200-1400 Date: November 28 (Tuesday) Location: 3810 Time: 1200-1400 Location: 1811 REGISTRATION FORM (Tuition funded by the College P.D. Committee) Name Department Local Program Please register me for the following workshop(s): ____— 1. Instructional Media Services (Open House) ____ 4. CD ROM _____ 2. Leaming Styles ____ 5. Cooperative Learning 3. Critical Thinking _—_____ 6. Promoting the Quality of Learning Comments: Return to Eugene Hrushowy (Faculty P.D. Consultant) local 5122. 10