CHANGING WOMEN, CHANGING WORLD One of the major issues of our times is the questioning and re-definition of the traditional roles of women. Important changes in awareness are occurring regarding women's position in the social, economic, political, and domestic order. As a result, many women are seeking new avenues of self-expression and personal fulfillment. The Adult Education Division of the Langley School Board and Douglas College, in cooperation with Langley community organizations are co-sponsoring a one-day workshop for women. This is designed to provide women with a chance to hear informative speakers, to join in discus- sions and to acquire practical information about opportunities for self-fulfillment. The fee is $1. Please bring a bag lunch - coffee, goodies will be provided. WHERE: Langley Civic Centre, 20699 - 42nd Avenue WHEN: Wednesday, November 13, 1974 TIME: 9220 acm. — 2230 p.m. and 7:30-9:30 p.m. REEKKKKKKKE PROGRAM MORNING AFTERNOON 9:30 Registration, sign up for dis- 12:30 DISCUSSION GROUPS: Se aren ea Qualified resource persons will be 10:00 Keynote Address: KATHLEEN RUFF, Seay wee Director, Human Rights, Dept. of 2:30 Labor, Victoria, B. C. 5 1 : Male/Female Relations: Old & New Women and Fun The Coming of Age Women and the Law Returning to Learning Women and Health Coffee & Discussion 11:30 LUNCH AND SHOP-IN A chance to "shop around", visit and ask questions at booths staffed by personnel and counsel- lors from local volunteer groups, agencies, Canada Manpower and educational institutions including U.B.C., S.F.U., Douglas College, to i2<30 2:30 "WHAT AM I DOING THAT I WASN'T DOING FIVE YEARS AGO?" B.C.1I.T., F.V. Regional and A panel of local women sharing Trinity Western Colleges, and personal experiences. Langley Adult Education. ; Conclusion. KaKKKKKKKREK - BSPESDPEIASPEPESDPESDESPESPEEDPESPERPESP ERP ESP ESP ESP ESP ERP ESP 9", = ‘Y Ky EVENING PROGRAM : Ky (D (Q ) A program has been arranged for the evening to accommodate those who work Oh) CY) : : CP) (0 or are otherwise unable to attend during the day. (D A) OX) oF YY aa) t330" p.m: "you've Come a Short Way, Baby!" () Of) : OM) : JOAN WALLACE, Member, Federal Advisory 6 Fy Council, Status of Women. KA Co YY) # 6:15 pim. SHOP-IN (please see above) 0D % Same booths, same personnel and counsellors. ey "s No admission charge for the evening; coffee provided. "9 TEESE ED ESE EDS ED EBS SERIES PEDERI ER DP ESPERDESPESDESSPESBEY