douglas college Inter Office Memo | Date: June 18, 1987 To: DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD From: W.L. DAY Re: PRESIDENT'S REPORT A. External Matters - Municipal On May 22, a new informal association commenced activity - Royal City A.M. - an informal meeting of people in New Westminster and environs interested in the encouragement and development of tourism and tourist related activities. College personnel were involved in its organization, and Mr. Jim Doerr is in regular attendance. I believe that our Community Program activities will be affected by, and provide service for activities resulting from this association. On June 8th, the College was honoured by a one day visit from the Governor Generals Commission on Economic Development. At the request of New Westminster city the meeting was held at Douglas College, and focused on the cooperative efforts that have been going on within CO New Westminster, connecting up business, industry, organized labour, volunteer groups, the city government and the College. B. External Matters - Education On May 22, a group of Principals of Technical Institutes from China visited Douglas College for a half day. Douglas was one of a number of colleges they are visiting across Canada, as they find out about the implications of administering multi-purpose institutions. Apparently, the Chinese are increasingly interested in the community college concept as a means of dealing with some of their educational needs. From June 10 to 13, a series of meetings was held in Victoria, involving Deans and Directors of Instruction, Council of Principals, Bursars, and the B.C. Association of Colleges. While each of these groups held their own meetings, there was a very exciting one day spent on the topic of Computer Assisted Instruction, involving lectures and working displays of activities currently going on in B.C. through colleges, the KNOW, OLI, and Institutes. Douglas has been asked by the Ministry to administer a project, involving the creation of an "environmental" scan for all colleges and institutes of the province. This will involve a survey of economic and social data across the province, and the provision of updated © information that will be of assistance to these institutions in | updating their 5 Year Plans. Dr. Gerry DellaMattia is the | administrator responsible. /2 |