Mad Hatter Page 3 1. The International Project Office of the A.C.C.C. is collecting infor- mation about faculty who wish to apply for an overseas exchange. In order to co-ordinate such exchanges they have issued an information form to be completed by applicants. Anyone wishing to submit this form for matching incoming requests from other countries should contact Barry Leach, Surrey Campus. 2(a) Mr. R.S. Channer, Head of the Department of Engineering Technology at Bournemouth and Poole College of Faculty exchange Further Education, Dorset, England is seeking an exchange with a fac- ulty member in engineering who would fill the post vacated by his tempor- ary replacement as department head. (6) Mr. Brian F. Caddick at the School of Applied Social Studies at Bristol University, England, is also seeking an exchange with someone "largely concerned with the education of woman service professionals". Anyone interested, please contact Barry Leach, International Education Committee. DOUGLAS =—> KWANTLEN This column will be, among other things, used to regularly advise the College community on the assignment of individuals to each college. tensive educational and practical . background in this field. Please ;, Join with me in welcoming him aboard. Following are some selections/ appointments/personal choices ° in the administrative and ex- - cluded area to date: DOUGLAS: COLLEGE ARCHIVES. ...Reg Pridham DOUGLAS COLLEGE President - Bill Day Bursar - Bill Morfey Superintendent of Physical Plant - West Graydon Purchasing Manager - Terry Leonard* Bookstore Manager - Lou de Verheyen Senior Personnel Clerk - Teresa Inglis KWANTLEN COLLEGE President - Tony Wilkinson Vice-President, Admin., - Bob Lisson Vice-President, Academic - Reg Pridham Comptroller - Les Hibbert Purchasing Manager - Mabel Endacott Sec., to President - Mary Christy Sec., to Vice President - Manon Remming More information will be forthcoming as it unfolds. * Mr Terry Leonard will be joining us Shortly as Purchasing Manager at Douglas. He presently is employed as a Purchasing Agent with the Vancouver School Board and has an ex- Surplus SURPLUS EQUIPMENT/FURNITURE Catalogue Card Cabinets Quantity: 28-30-drawer units 1-15-drawer unit Any discipline that would like to obtain one/some of these units, Please forward your request in writ- ing to Purchasing Dept. - NW. These units can be used for stor- age of audio cassettes - each drawer will store 20-22 cassettes in boxes. M.M. Endacott Purchasing Manager