DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES ALL FACULTY: The Association of Canadian Community Colleges has recently published a first edition of its yearbook Clientele and Community. A French edition is also available "La Clientele du College Communautaire". As you can see from the table of contents the topics presented are of interest to most of us. Also, you notice that one of the contributors is Sheilah Thompson of Douglas College. Our bookstore will soon have a supply of the yearbook for you to purchase if you feel so inclined. Andre Piquette ACCC Regional Rep for B.C. YEARBOOK STEERING COMMITTEE George Delgrosso Lambton College Sarnia, Ontario Brian Donnelly* Department of Educational Administration Memorial University St. John's, Newfoundland Robin H. Farquhar Department of Educational Administration The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Toronto, Ontarig Jacques Fournier Directeur (until 1973) Association des Colléges communautaires du Canada Montréal, Québer Paul-Emile Gingras Centre d'animation, de développement et de recherche en éducation Montréal, Québec Mathieu Girard* Centre d'animation, de développement et de recherche en éducation Montréal, Québec ee Roger Lafleur* Collége Ahuntsic Montréal, Québec Jacques Laliberté Centre d'animation, de développement et de recherche en éducation Montréal, Québec J. E. McCannel Community Colleges Division Manitoba Department of Colleges and University Affairs Winnipeg, Manitoba Gordon L. Mowat Department of Educational Administration The University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta Walter Pentz President Mount Royal Callege Calgary, Alberta Doris Ryan* Department of Educational Administration The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Toronto, Ontario