(anurans sneraneagcnennreemnmmnemememmmmmnrnant Li eh A SE STRESS 13° 4 A National Water Resources Information System Presented by: Marcel A. Mercier and Janice Heyworth Environment Management Service Environment Canada Sponsored by: Westwater Research Centre and _ Inland Waters Directorate, Pacific Region Date: Tuesday, November 6, 1973 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: UBC Executive Conference Centre $760 Toronto Road (Two blocks east and south of the intersection of University Boulevard and Wesbrook Crescent) WATDOC, Water Resources Systems: Document Reference Centre, is a national water resources information system designed to operate in the Canadian environment to satisfy ' Canadian demands. This is an on-line interactive system which covers document literaturc, published and unpublished, on economics, technical and sociological research, management Teports, political and news issues, legislation, and references to numerical data, all related to water resources. A cooperative approach has been adopted to ensure the system is as complete as possible. The seminar should be of interest to all those people, federal, provincial or university, whose interest field is related to water resources planning and management. It will deal directly with the tools and aids, open to every researcher, that are now available for literature searches through WATDOC. Computer techniques will not be covered. However, examples of searches and search strategies will be given. For further information please contact Anthony Dorcey at Westwater, 228-5725. If you would like to attend this seminar please return the attached form: Se See Se SS SSS SS SSS SSS SSS SPST CBS SPSS SPSS SSS SSS Sw Return to: A.H.J. Dorcey Assistant Director Westwater Research Centre University of B.C. . Vancouver 8, B.C. Name: eoereeree eee eest etree veneees eee bere eeeereese eee ree ees esse . Address: o. cece cece cece ete cece ccerecsveevecccccccces @eennnne