ae Sr ae Fascistic France: Has Sarkozy gone too far? Is history repeating itself? By Adem Ozoor resident Sarkozy is definitely P= of the politicians of his time that has sparked a few controversies due to some of his personal values. It is often expected from many eastern politicians to hold onto strong cultural values. To a certain extent that is ok. It isn’t ok though when the fascistic card is played due to such values. Up to this day, France has expelled an average of 8300 Roma people from the country, of course under the discretion of President Sarkozy. Police authorities have . broken into many Roma households as early as six o’clock in the morning, destroyed their homes and gathered them into camps that are now known as the “Roma camps”. Roma people were left in the camps in very poor conditions until their expulsion. One man was even shot for crossing out of bounds. “This is a situation I had thought Europe would not have to witness again after the Second World War,” said Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding. “The commission will have no choice but to initiate infringement procedures against France on two grounds. First, infringement procedures against France for a discriminatory application of the free movement directive. Second, an infringement proceeding against France for lack of transposition of the procedural and substantive guarantees under the free movement directive.” That being said, Sarkozy has obviously created a serious problem in Europe, particularly in France. France could face discrimination charges under the European Union charter of fundamental rights. It is understandable that Sarkozy has issues with the Roma people “living off of France’s welfare”, but disturbingly gathering them into camps and eventually expelling them is beyond contempt. What lunatic plays such Hitler-like roles in the year 2010? He got the entire nation into trouble. Culture-wise, immigration is an issue in western European countries. France for example has citizens from approximately seventeen different nationalities. One con to that is these countries in Western Europe who have had their cultural values for centuries are being fundamentally threatened when outsiders come in, take over employment, the land, etc. The point is though, why are the governments taking in so many immigrants if their fundamentals are being threatened like this? In fact, immigration to Western Europe should really be shut down especially if it is leading to the revoking of this sort of violence and extremism. On top of all of that, there haven’t been any consequences put in place yet. Unfortunately, because most Romas are now expelled, and there isn’t much that can be done about that, Sarkozy really needs to resign. By doing such an act, he has not only violated European Union and human rights laws, but also the French laws of his own country. No president in the twenty first century deserves to remain in power if he/she mistreats citizens this way. It is frustrating that no consequence has been put into place for this issue. Unfortunately, there may never be one and President Sarkozy will remain in power for more time. Even more frustrating is the fact that President Sarkozy said that the German Chancellor Angela Merkal said that Germany is planning to do the same to the Kosovo people in Germany. Merkal denied such a thing. The truth sits in god’s hands. Canadians are encouraged to read more about this situation and follow up on it. Can history be on the verge of repeating itself? Or is this just another frightening incident that is meant to make people reminisce about the Second World War? 2 Guidette for a day Trying to pull of the “Snookie Poof” By Jenn Markham o I went to this party the other S day where I didn’t know anyone. Other than feeling a little out of place at first, I had a lot of fun. I played pin the tail on the donkey, put on a fake tattoo and made a party hat. People were all very friendly, and I was sharing drinks with the birthday girl, so it didn’t take me long to find people to chat with. Somehow, although I don’t remember the exact details, we got on the topic of a “Snooki Poof”. I had no idea what they were talking about. “WHAT?? Have you never seen Jersey Shore?” No.1 don’t have cable. I’ve never considered myself out of touch because of this fact, but the more I ask around, the more confused I become. Everyone dismisses the show, calls it trash TV and the bane of society, but when I asked, everyone knew what I was talking about. Not only that, but when I questioned further, everyone had a lot to say as well. So we hate a show we watch when no ones around, is that it? My best friend motivated me to research it more, and even bought me a “Bump It” as a present. I wore two of them in my hair to work the other day, but apparently my poofs weren’t nearly as high as Snooki’s. I was actually accused of half-assing her look, although I had the height thing down pat. After googling her, it’s true. She had too much bronzer, too much make-up, outrageously long hair, a mirco short dress and heels... all of a sudden, modern trends are making sense. But which came first, the chicken or the egg, the trends or Snooki? And besides that, why on earth did that become a trend? She looks ridiculous! All of the pictures were from trashy celebrity gossip websites. The one picture I found of Snooki where she looked normal was a picture of her without make-up. When I think about it, I’ve seen a bunch of these girls somewhere before...the Mirage! A friend of mine even told me they had a Jersey Shore night. In that same conversation it was remarked, “Isn’t every night Jersey Shore night at Mirage?” ] just can’t understand what the correlation is between what Snooki looks like, and why so many girls want to copy her style? I still haven’t seen an episode of Jersey Shore, 1 just haven’t found someone who will admit to liking it to watch it with me. 15