TE OW CANADIANS! Stephanie Or, OP Contributor So, it’s almost time for the Junos. I don’t think P’ve ever really sat through a whole award show—let alone the Junos. And to be honest, I’m not sure I can sit through 60-plus minutes of Avril-worship. I checked the official site for the Junos, and Ms. Lavigne is nominated in several categories. My eyes nearly popped out of their sock- ets when I saw her name under “Song Writer of the Year.” I mean, sure, she has improved from trying to rhyme “Let’s talk about it” with “it’s not like we're dead,’ to “I’m falling from grace” with “I’m all over the place” — but that hardly deserves merits. (Okay, ending Avril-bashing now). But I mean, the Junos this year isn’t all about you-know-who. Indie-dar- lings Arcade Fire, A.C Newman (of Death From Above 1973 Mesa Luna April and Iain W. Reeve, A&E Editor hen I was in Toronto last December, I was told that the next time Death From Above 1979 (DFA) came to my hometown, I needed to go. However, when I heard they were coming to Vancouver I was lazy about getting tickets and ended up having to go to the 2pm all-ages show instead of the wonderful (but sold-out) licensed evening show. And while there is a very good chance that I was one of the oldest people there other than the band members, I had fun anyway, getting thrown around the mosh pit by people six years my jun- ior to speed-crazy bass riffs, crashing drums, and the throaty vocals of Sebastien Grainger. Amazing how much fun you can have with just bass and drums. Opening bands Elizabeth and Controller.Controller set the stage 14 | www.theotherpress.ca very nicely with their own brands of dance-punk, speed noise, and other such crazy labels that only indie kids know, or care, about. Controller.Controller in particular laid out a very impressive set, a band to watch for sure. DFA started their set by warning the crowd to take care of each other so no one would get hurt—something I appreciate now that I’m a little older. I must say, in spite of the fact that there was no alcohol and the sunlight was pouring in throughout the show, it was still easy to get drawn into Mr. Keeler’s hypnotic bass and synth riffs and just thrash around and have a good time. Death From Above 1979’s most recent album, Youre a Woman, I’m a Machine, is easily available now. If you like fast and hard music you can dance to, then you should own this CD. New Pornographers’ fame), Feist, and Death From Above 1979 are all nom- inated for projects. In light of all this Canadian-music loving, here are a few personal favourites that didn’t make it to the Juno-nomination list. various music-related Wolf Parade (listen: “It’s A Curse”) Montteal’s next “it” band! There has been a lot of buzz surrounding Wolf Parade and I don’t doubt why. I saw these guys live in Toronto last sum- mer...they opened for Modest Mouse—that has to mean something. Les Georges Leningrad (listen: “Supa Doopa”) “They ate so weird-sounding,” says my friend. Honestly, I think they sound like a more hyper-happy Yeah Yeah Yeahs. They make me want to dance around shamelessly. Tegan and Sara (listen: “Take Me Anywhere”) Girl duos either make me cringe or creep me out (think T.A.T.U) but T&S are pop-darlings who can belt out oh- too-catchy tunes! The Unicorns (listen: “The Clap”) This had-been duo, now turned trio, sings songs of unicorns and child stars! What’s not to like? Pony Up! (listen: “Shut Up and Kiss Me”) These girls have been deemed the Canadian Donnas. I don’t know about that, but their cute little song, “Shut Up and Kiss Me” totally won me over. The WPP (listen: “I Think I Lost a Country”) These guys are crazy (in a good way)! If you like this new punk-pop move- ment, you'll adore them (plus, they’re a local favourite). Elizabeth Beautiful”) Another local favourite with quite the following (and groupies, I might add). They’re playing various shows around town; catch them before they get ‘vo big. (listen: “War is Oh, and on a side note, Low Millions are getting a lot of main-stream radio and television attention lately. They may very well be the next Maroon 5 (but Canadian and minus the nasally- vocals of Adam Levine). April 6/2005