si - Does Your Support Have Limitations? On the possibility of a faculty strike: "| don't think the faculty intention- ally want to hurt us (the students), but it seems like nothing's changed - all through high school it was ‘work to rule.’ Now, my whole semester is in jeopardy. Being from out-of-town, | No one will teach could lose a lot of money. I'm tired of | at the College it If you won't pay for knowledge Bill Day, Bill Day Give us your answer do We're half crazy waiting to hear from you! Aias Peres Donna Trach and Carolyn Wust But life’s a beach when teachers won't teach without a contract signed by you! "Didn't the instructors take a pay cut a few years ago, and then the col- lege ended up with a $1.2 million profit? That's not fair.” "Wages areenot the main thing, Graham Esplen wages are just a part of it - the right of full-time faculty to be involved in the selection procedure, the open- ness of the college, the quality of education - that is what is at stake." Jim Davies, Philosophy Profes- sor "The students must support the ‘aculty in the event of a strike. Itis the ast bargaining tool which the faculty as. The only reason a strike will fail s if the students do not support it.” Why You Should Attend the DCSS Special General Meeting! But first some facts: All students are members of the Student Society and the Canadian Federation of Students. The Student Society can not be effective or accurately represent students without your participation. THE FOLLOWING: Conflict! Faculty/College labour dispute What should the student position be? How can students expedite a solution? Money! Membership in the Canadian Federation of Students Why is it beneficial to us as students to have a national organization? Trials and Tribulation! Should the student society continue to take responsibility for the actions of clubs and student groups? More Money! Should student society executives get paid? And how much? Are student representatives doing enough for you? Should there be fewer members on Senate? Booze! Do you want a student pub on campus? These proposals will effect you, so please! attend this meeting. Your input is needed! Thursday February 25, 1988 12 noon Room 2201 (Across from the Library) DON’T MISS IT!!! THE SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING AGENDA WILL INCLUDE. ¥ “We will not support a strike but we do support the DKFA in negotia- tions. | think the rally and the sit-in (of Thursday, February 18) were suc- cessful, for we increased student awareness. In the beginning, we held an open forum. We invited both faculty and administration - only the faculty participated. A huge problem has been that (College:President) Bill Day has not made himself accessible to the stu- dents: he didn’t show up at the forum and he hasn't provided the students with enough information to let us know what the administration is doing." Fiona Cairns, DCSS Vice-Presi- dent It’s Your Money (among other things) Scott nelson has recommended a $5000.00 donation be given to the Douglas College Foundation. The Student Society is presently negotiat- ing to get student representatives on the board.Last year the DCSS gave $60,000.00 and was matched by the Vancouver Foundation, creating a $120,000.00 endowment fund.The Society has given the Foundation $2500.00 this year and has been with- holding the balance as there is no constitutional guarantee of student representation on the Foundation’s board. Anena Johnston says, "It’s the wrong time to be making a donation." The CFS ( Canadian Federation of Students) acts as a lobby both provincially and federally and offers student services such as Travel Cuts, Student Saver Discounts, and SWAP © ( students working abroad program).The pullout motion was in- itiated approximately two years ago and is no longer valid. In order to strenghthen our national student body, we should get involved. At a ski club dance there was $580.00 damage which the security guards reported was not due to any club members, The question has been raised as to whether the DCSS should be held responsible and if so, only for functions on the campus grounds or also for trips abroad. The first copy of the new draft of the DCSS constitution will be presented. :