Raia The purpose of Rotary Foundation Scholarships is to further international understanding and friendly relations between people of different countries. Both men and women may apply for one of the five types of Rotary Founda- tion Scholarships to complete one academic year of study or training in another country where Rotary clubs are located. During the time of study abroad, Rotary Scholars are expected to be outstanding ambassadors of good will to the people of the host country through both formal and informal appearances before Rotary Clubs and districts, school and civic organizations, and other forums. After the period of study has been comple- ted, the scholar is expected to discuss and share the experience of under- standing acquired during the scholar- ship year with the people of his/her home country and the Rotarians who sponsored the scholarship. The five types of Rotary Foundation Scholar- ships are: Graduate Scholarships: for those who will have received a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent before the commencement of scholarship duties. Undergraduate Scholarships: for those who are studying at the univer- sily level but who will not have comple- ted a Bachelor's degree before the commencement of — scholarship studies. Vocational Scholarships: for those who are secondary school graduates and who have been employed or engaged full-time in o vocation for at least two years as of the application deadline. Applicants must not be elig- ible for a Graduate or Undergraduate scholarship. Teacher of the Handicapped Scholar- ship: for those who have been employed or engaged full-time as teachers of the physically, mentally, or educationally handicapped for at least two years as of the application deadl- ine. Journalism Scholarships: for those who have been employed in a full-time position in print or broadcast journa- lism for at least two years as of the application deadline. Application deadline: July 15, 1987. For information or applications contact the Chairman, New Westminster Rotary Foundation, P.O. Box 493, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 4Y8 or the Student Finance Office. LIBRARY END OF SEMESTER SONNET To all Douglas College Employees At end of term, the Library undertakes Our notices of overdues to type; You surely understand how this will make Our weary Library staff their eyes to wipe. Around your office please do take a look To search, to seek, to see what you may find. Lo! on the lowest shelf does lurk a book And the due date only two months behind! Be not afraid, because we will not fine, And be assured our motives are quite pure. It is the books we want, and on our line We cast out our forgiveness as a lure. Lo please do not make us type up a form; Return your books, your welcome will be warm. The end of semester due date for library materials is April 30, 1987 Jean (Take me to Salmon Arm) Cockburn LIBRARY CLOSURE The Library will be closed Wednesday, May 6th for that day only. Equipment and software will have to be picked up ahead of time or from room 2202. Thank you Virginia Chisholm LIBRARY SUMMER HOURS The Library will be reverting to intersession hours effective Thursday, April 30th. These hours are: 0830 - 1630 Monday to Friday; closed Saturday During the summer term, May 4th - August 2!st, the Library will be open late Thursdays until 1900 to permit extended access. This late closing will be monitored and could be modified depending upon use. Virginia Chisholm WELCOME | am pleased to welcome Alena Strauss to Douglas College. Alena is filling Barb Mowat's counsel- ling position for one year while Barb is on leave. Alena can be reached at local 2751; her office is located in the Student Services Centre. Al Atkinson