MAD HATTER - LIBRARY ORIENTATION CLASSES Instructors In other courses who wish to arrange subject specific orientations should book with Rose or contact Mary Matthews (Orienta- tlon Librarian, local 2117). A subject specific class focuses on the sub- act classification areas, reference ks, periodicals and indexes that students need to be familiar with in order to research term papers. Any student who has missed out on library orientation during class time may take a tour any weekday from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. EMPLOYEE OPTIONAL LIFE INSURANCE NEW ARRIVALS Gili and Gary Tenant are the proud new parents of Max Bela, a brother for Zoe and Mika. Congratulations! Debbie and Eugene Hrushowy are the proud new parents of Landry pay) Jacob, a brother for Tracy. ongratulations! Additional life insurance coverage is now available through the College benefits carrier, Great West Life. There is no longer a minimum group requirement for employees to par- ticipate. Anyone interested in further informa- tion, including a booklet on this issue, should contact Rob Corbett in Personnel, Local 4714. Rob Corbett, Personnel Depart- ment They have also advised us there _ may be a delay of up to two days in processing the pictures. Kris Remmen, Personnei Department CAFETERIA HOURS FOR FALL 1987 EMPLOYEE I.D. CARDS JOB STRATEGIES GRANT It is a pleasure to announce that we have received another Job Strategies grant from the federal en in the amount of 7,000, in order to train four people as trainers of people with mental handicaps. The focus will be on vocational and independence train- ing skills over the next year. Congratulations to Jean Campbell for her recognized successes in this area and for her contributions to the field which, as usual, go far beyond normal expectations. Don McEachern The Personnel Department has now taken the responsibility for issuing and up-dating Employee I.D. Cards. The following employees are entitled to Employee |.D. Cards: Regular Faculty Contract Faculty Staff Posted Auxiliaries To obtain a new card or up-dated employee card you are required to to the Personnel Department Room 4700), Monday through Friday, 8:30 - 11:00 a.m. and 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. The Studeni Society is responsible for taking the pictures for the I.D. cards. Their office (Room 2780) will be open: September 8, 9, 10, 118:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. September 24 8:00 a.m. -8:00p.m. The Student Society will charge employees $2.00 for pictures taken outside these set days and times. UPPER CAFETERIA Fast Food Line: MONDAY - THURSDAY 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Grill off at 2:30 p.m.) FRIDAY Closed SATURDAY 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. LOWER CAFETERIA: MONDAY - THURSDAY 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. CAREER AND JOB PREPARATION Barb McLean has been hired to teach CJP 200 Career and Job Preparation for Adults with Hearing Impairments. Terry Dermott has been hired as a tutor/interpreter for the program. This program gives deaf adults the opportunity to ex- plore occupational interests, par- ticipate in several work experiences and establish a career plan. The program begins on Sepiember 28 and runs through December 18. This will be the 4th year that we have offered this program. Barb and Terry can be reached at local 2792, room 2790B in the Stu- dent Services Centre. The TTD phone number is 520-5450. Gladys Loewen ! (Ed. Note: Barb McLean is not be confused with Barbara MacLean of Public Information) SS TT