Royal City Sounds ‘84 I am pleased to announce that the Music De- partment is hosting the twentieth annivers- ary conference for the B. C. Music Educators’ Association at Douglas College on Friday, February 17th and Saturday, February 18th. The Conference is expected to draw 500-600 delegates from all over the province, as well as 200-300 students from around the province. There will be two days of clinics and workshops and mini-concerts, exhibits by various companies representing the music industry, and two Honour Group Concerts at Vincent Massey Auditorium. The keynote speaker, Dr. Gordon Cawelti, representing the Association for Super- vision and Curriculum Development in Alex- andria, Va., will speak about "Assuring a Balanced Curriculum for All Youth." Anyone interested in concert tickets or in obtain- ing information about the Conference should contact the music office, local 3200. The Conference Committee has done everything possible to minimize impingement upon Friday classes. Kevin Barrington-Foote Open House Planning is going on for the Open House, March 10th, 1984. Public activities should be planned between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. So far some of the ''Biggies'' that will be highlighted are: l. Official opening of the Theatre and Foyer 2. Official opening of the Day Care Center 3. The Spring Theatre Production, ''The Teahouse of the August Moon!''. Mad Hatter Page 2 a - ae aoe —-} Watch the next edition of the Mad Hatter for a more complete schedule of events. A poster is in production and radio spots | have already been made. Look and listen for them. Gordon Gilgan Sickness/Accident Emergency Procedures As a result of the collapse in the gymnas- ium a week or s9 ago, and the various com- munications which have been circulating, we are mandating the following procedure. This procedure is largely the result of conver- sations held with Deputy Fire Chief Jack Fulton, Bill Day, and myself. | The local Fire Hall (8th and Royal) has an inhalator crew on duty at all times, They are prepared to respond to a collapse im- mediately. If they are already out ona call when we require their assistance they | will be notified by radio and, in any case, | the Fire Department is prepared to notify the ambulance service immediately. There- fore, in future, the first and only tele- phone call which needs to be made by anyone at the College requiring assistance of an | emergency nature in the event of a collapse,| should be made to the Fire Department emer- gency number - 526-441] Once we have examined the situation on the main floor in the P, E. area, we will be installing a telephone for emergency pur- poses - being sure that the more prominent telephones such as Security, Switchboard, and Field Bases, have the emergency number properly displayed. West Graydon ! Nuclear Awareness Panel - February 16 | The Nuclear Awareness Group, in co-operation |