* THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. Editor: Judie Steeves, Surrey Campus Telephone: 588-4411, Local 283 Notice Board DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES TOR VALE State FROM: Personnel POLICY STATEMENT RE: Modified Work Week Employees - Personnel Development Days For most staff employees the daily scheduled time of Personnel Development Days coincides bih the normal daily hours of work. However, eS: is not the case for employees on a "modified work week' since the employees may work extended hours Monday through Thursday (i.e. an extra 1.75 hours daily), with Friday off. Thus when Personnel Development Days are scheduled during regular office hours on Thursday and Friday, a problem results. This policy is intended to deal with that anomaly in so far as time sheets and pay are concerned: 1. No employee should lose any pay as a result of attendance at Personnel Dev. Days. 2. No employee should receive additional compensation, over and above regular weekly earnings, as a result of attendance at Personnel Development Days. 3. Similar to the procedure for Statutory Holidays.... if the extra 1.75 hours is not able to be worked as a result of the Personnel Development Days Tas will be treated as a 'time debt' to the College, to be worked later ata & mutually agreeable time. However iF the 'indebted' employee attends the Personnel Development Days on his day off, § the debt would be deemed satisfied. Developmentally yours xrdsle TO: ALL STAFF AND PERSONNEL FROM: PERSONNEL For the next two weeks while Teresa is on her annual "Rest and Recreation" course in Mexico, Lyn Ashcroft: has assumed Teresa's duties on the front desk (Benefits & Documentatic |) & Auxiliaries. Judy McManus: has assumed Lyn's duties (Sessional contracts and Student Assistants) . P.S. We are pleased to inform one and all that Judy McManus is the Federal Candidate in the riding of Vancouvér South (NDP). Personnelly yours, John Beardsley INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES | will be on Educational leave until Sept. |, 1978. Please send all mail for me or for the Institute to Ron Tarves at Surrey Campus. | would like to thank all those who filled out the questionnaire on the Tynehead Zoo Proposal. The results have been included jn a brief to the G.V.R.D. on the subject. Barry Leach FOR RENT EXECUTIVE HOME (2800 sq. ft.) PRIVATE ESTATE - Secluded landscaped acreage HEATED SWIMMING POOL - PATIOS - RIDING LAWN MOWER LEASE - available September 1/78 942-7469 - IBRARY 5 COLLEGE L pouch ARCHIVES f