submitted by U. Schaffer Too Many A’s College grades, along with almost everything else, have been going up late- ly. Stanford University undergraduates were astonished recently to read in the student paper that their grade point av- had spiraled to 3.5+ (or just under an’A). “I’ve worked hard to get good grades here, and I thought they would help when I was ready for grad school,” said Patricia Fels, a senior. “Now I find out everybody has good grades.” Indeed, in the past few years, the grade glut has been spreading across ac- ademe. At Yale, 42% of all undergrad- uate spring-term grades were A’s, and 46% of the senior class graduated with honors. “It’s tidiculous,” says Eva Bal- ogh, dean of Yale’s Morse College. “They get q B and they bawl. It takes a man or woman of real integrity to give a B.” At American University; 75% of all grades last spring were A’s and B’s, leading dn iindergraduaté dean to ask for a faculty inquiry. At the University of Pittsburgh, the average grade was c five years ago; now itis B. Why? Many students are using pass/fail options in difficult courses, thus reducing the percentage of ‘low letter grades. For their part, many professors started giving higher grades i in the late 60s to help students escape the draft, and some have. Wanted to avoid what they regard as the “punitive” effects of grading. Explains Pittsburgh Dean Rob- _ ert Marshall: “We're getting away from the old. concept that people should be re- quired to jump through hoops.” Some in- structors are overly aware of the faculty evaluations their students will write at the end of the course. In effect, they are bribing students with good grades to get good grades themselves. Others are sim- ply being generous, awarding more A’s and B’s because students need them to get into graduate school. This is tough on graduate schools. “Everyone coming in with a 4.0 makes it hard to evaluate the grades,” says William Keogh, assistant dean of Stanford’s law school. As a re- sult, many graduate schools are increas- ingly depending on entrance exams. The Stanford faculty committee that first uncovered the staggering grade point average was appointed four years ago when the university did away with D and F grades and permitted students to take a pass/fail option in any course outside their major. The committee has until Christmas to make its final report on how the new system is working. It probably will not be too harsh. “We just live in a nonjudgmental society,” said Committee Chairman Bradley Efron, a professor of statistics. But today’s grad- uates may be in for a rude shock when they discover that in the workaday world, not everyone can count on A’s. Bonehead English Almost half the freshmen at the University- of California at Berkeley flunked an English composition exam this fall. They have had to enroll in a re- medial course known around the cam- pus as “Bonehead English.” At the Uni- versity of Miami, the English depart- ment has set. up an elaborate tutoring center where video tapes are used to help | entering students Jearn grammar, punc- tuation and organization. At the Univer- sity of Houston, 60% of the freshmen fail the first three essays they write. Says Jes- se Hartley, Houston’s director of fresh- man English: “Students can’t carry through an idea in writing; they have no idea what a paragraph is; they are un- able to string details together in a logical sequence. They’re just sort of vapid.” d SIAWG NOWT College English instructors have made similar complaints in the past, but the percentage of incompetent writers among entering freshmen has risen in recent years. Maxine Hairston, director of freshman English at the University of Texas at Austin, blames the shortcom- ings on the fact that high school students do not read as much as their predeces- sors. “They were reared on television,” she says. “They simply were not forced to use the language very much.” Says Robert Hosman, chairman of the Uni- versity of Miami’s English department; “The fundamentals are not being taught properly in secondary schools. The SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test] and College Board scores across the country have shown a considerable lowering of verbal ability.” In fact, the College Board has devised a written English test to help colleges place freshmen in the appropri- ate class. Some 425,000 high school stu- dents took the new 50-question test —along with their entrance exams—for the first time last week. At Berkeley, says Instructor Kim- berly Davis, the average student in the Bonehead English ‘course “attended a good high school, probably received B’s if not A’s in English, and is either dis- tressed, appalled or outraged to discover that he can’t write up to university stan- dards. etsy Berkeley: students recently put their anger in writing. After some ' editing help from their instructor they mailed a letter to their high school Eng- lish department protesting their poor preparation. They never got an answer. Orderly Fashion. The decline in writing ability shows up even at Har- vard, where all undergraduates must take a twelve-week course in expository writing. “We try to teach them to write a simple, clear sentence that says what they mean and then arrange those sen- tences in some orderly fashion,” says English Professor Gwynne Evans. “Most of them don’t know how to do that when they come here.” The discipline was too much for one Harvard student. “It nearly drove me crazy,” he says. “I tried to*write what I was really feeling and I got all these irrelevant comments about grammar. all over the pages. I ran through the streets of Cambridge weeping.” Some educators seem inclined to ease the anguish of the students. Last spring the Conference on College Com- position and Communications* voted “to uphold the right of students to their own language.” The resolution outraged some professors, including John Gabel, head of the English department at Ohio State University. “It is broad enough to wipe out even the need to learn how to spell,” he says. “That’s misplaced hu- manism, not education.” *The conference represents 3,000 college English instructors. TIME, NOVEMBER 11, 1974