PACIFIC NORTH-WEST BIRD AND MAMMAL SOCIETY B.C. REGION ANNUAL MEETING. at Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary ** Saturday 1.30 p.m. 25th January 1975 Entrance Free - All Welcome SIPEE ASK Eck S$: Rudy Boomstra “i "Selective Predation on Voles" Phil Treffrey - "Breeding of Captive Predators" (Brian Davies will give a demonstration flight of a captive-bred Peale's Falcon) Don Trethewey C.W.S. - "The Introduced Eastern Cottontail" Wayne Weber - "Foraging Ecology of Passerine Birds in Urban Areas" Dr. Myrnal Hawes - "Shrew Population Behaviour" Gordon Haber - "Social Behaviour of a Wolf Pack in Alaska". ** Entrance via Westham Island, Delta, B.C. EOF