Have an idea for a story? Let us know! Contact: Chandler Walter, Humour Editor Mhumour@theotherpress.ca He simply won't get » How one student inspired millions Chandler Walter Humour Editor S humour@theotherpress.ca he world was changed early Monday morning, as Jerry Edmunds decided he was going to miss his first few classes and sleep in. What Edmunds didn’t know at the time was that this simple action would spark a change in the way students everywhere saw their priorities, education, and entire lifestyle. Edmunds began tweeting about his day off from the comfort of his own bed, and : almost instantaneously began : trending worldwide. “Tt was incredible,” Edmunds : said as we interviewed him in his : room. “The tweets really took off. : I feel I really struck a chord in the : hearts of students everywhere. : I told them that there is hope. : There is a choice.” Edmunds, having read Dr. : Seuss’s I’m Not Getting Out of : Bed Today as a child, decided : today was the day he would forgo : all social conventions regarding : alarm clocks or recommended : sleep hours. “Tt was as if the Seuss himself : had come to me in a dream and out of bed : told me, Jerry, you must do this,” : Edmunds said. Shortly after tweeting some : powerful words from the book— : “My bed is warm, my pillow : deep, today’s the day I'm going : to sleep’—thousands of students : took up the call and decided that : they would join the revolution. “My followers come in : all shapes, sizes, and colors,” : Edmunds said. “Whether it be on! : Twitter or Instagram, they would : follow me into a coma if I asked it : of them. I am truly blessed.” The Day of the Long Nap has officially been recorded in ; the history books, taking the This issue: (¥ People | can do without: Douglas Edition (¥ HORRORSCOPES (¥ Simple tips to avoid the freshman 15 And more! : record as the day with the most : absents in high schools and post- ! : secondary institutions across the : country. When asked if he worried : about his missed education, : Edmunds only shrugged. “This : is bigger than that now,” he said. : “T have created a thing of beauty : that is being shared by all the : snoozers, slackers, and stressed- : out students across the nation, : the world, even. I could never : abandon them now, Besides, we : were just going to watch some : documentary in class today.” By that time, groups of : protesters had formed outside Illustration by Ed Appleby : Edmunds’ bedroom window. “Just as it was foretold in : the great book. Seuss must have : had powers beyond anything we : could have imagined,” Edmunds : said. We had to end our interview : as the mob was growing too loud : to speak over. Unfortunately, we have : it from an inside source that : Edmunds had to leave the : confines of his bed, thereby : ending the movement he started : all those hours ago. Seemingly, the call of nature is stronger than the willpower of a : sleepy student.