douglas college Inter Office Memo Date: __April 15, 1986 To: Mad Hatter From: M.H. Morfey Re: __IDEAFEST This memo is a confirmation of an earlier memo to the Management Committee, dated March 7th, dealing with the space arrangements for Ideafest. In addition it endeavours to address concerns expressed by several departments. With the advent of Ideafest the College is temporarily assigning over the summer months (July and August) a Significant amount of building space to Alan Clapp and Associates. Construction of sets is now underway in the Engineering shops and the setting up of these units will take place during April, May and June. Set up work during April will be relatively minimal and Ideafest personnel will be requested to minimize any noise during the exam period. July and August will be operational months for Ideafest with hopefully thousands of visitors flocking through the Space Station. College operations during the summer semester are in general at a lower level than other times of the year and while there will be some inconvenience to College personnel we are endeavouring to minimize it. At this time we expect Ideafest to use the following areas: Level 1 - North Lower Concourse - Lower Cafeteria - Gym - Classrooms North - Concourse - Upper Cafeteria - Classrooms - Lecture Theatres (2) Level 2 North - Classrooms - Anthropology Display Room - Cartography Lab - Social Sciences CFB Level 3 North - Theatre - Classrooms (except Business Labs and Parts of Educational Foundations) Level 4 cave