MB UBRARY The Following services are being offered by the Library this Fall: 1. Library tours 2. In-class orientations geared to your subject. 3. Books & xeroxed articles may be placed on reserve for 2 hr., 24 hr., 3 day, or 1 week loan periods. 4. AV services are available from the AV section of each campus Library 5. LIB III - Skills for College Library Research - for students who need to learn systematic & effective library search methods If you wish to have a librarian give an orientation to one of your classes, and you have not already been sent a notice, please get in touch with us; we would he happy to make a presentation to your students. ska ...Library, New Westminster. Mad Hatter Page 5 DOU GLA at ARG: . - UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES I would like to remind everyone that you are eligible for an extramural library card, at no charge, for both S.F.U. and U.B.C. Please see Teresa Inglis in Personnel for a card of introduction. You should be aware that each item on inter-library loan costs us $7.50. Please pick up a library card and use it in person whenever possible to avoid I.L.L. charges. You should use your Douglas card at Kwantlen as we are liable to I.L.L. charges there as well. aerate Virginia Chisholm. Notice LAST DAY OF CLASSES - FALL SEMESTER 1981 LAST TEACHING DAY FOR MONDAY CLASSES IS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15th. (Dec. 14th and Dec. 15th - these two extra days for Monday classes replace Labour Day & Thanksgiving.) LAST TEACHING DAY FOR TUESDAY CLASSES IS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8th. LAST TEACHING DAY FOR WEDNESDAY CLASSES IS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16th (Dec. 16th - This extra day for Wednesday classes replaces Remembrance Day). LAST TEACHING DAY FOR THURSDAY CLASSES IS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10th. LAST TEACHING DAY FOR FRIDAY CLASSES IS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11th. BLOOD As you probably have heard, the Red Cross is experiencing a shortage of DLOOD. Clinics for the remainder of this semester, are as follows: ~ OCTOBER 19, MONDAY 11:00 - 5:00 .P.M. OCTOBER 20, TUESDAY 2:00 - 8:00 P.M. NOVEMBER 16, MONDAY 11:00 - 5:00 P.M. NOVEMBER 17, TUESDAY 2:00 - 8:00 P.M. ALL CLINICS ARE HELD AT: RED CROSS HOUSE 51 - 6th STREET NEW WESTMINSTER. Phone 525-1425