2 a eo” Fraser University t A Management Development Program for Women" Continuing Studies Women as Managers March 16 and 17 Simon Fraser University This two-day workshop is designed for female supervisors and managers, and those who manage women who wish to develop a more effective framework for dealing with the unique problems faced by women as managers. The seminar is both a skill- building and confidence-improving experience. It is planned to help participants assess and practise essential managerial skills, and at the same time to be exposed to some of the more current management theories. Also, the workshop will examine male/female sex stereotyping of women as managers and the implications for women in the organization. It will explore ways of overcoming obstacles between women managers and achievement. Topics ® management styles e situational sensitivity and management diagnosis e leadership and motivation e power and decision-making e the issues of women as managers Format The seminar will invoive a combination of experiential exercises, workshops, discussion, theory and information on current management topics. Emphasis will be on the active involvernent of all participants. Date and Time Thursday, March 16, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday, March 17, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Location Room ~171 Administration Building Simon Fraser University Fee $75.00 (includes tuition, lunches and course materials) DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY, ARCHIVES Preregistration Preregistration is required by March 10. Enrolment is limited. For Further Information Contact the Office of Continuing Studies, Simon Fraser University, 291-4304, Instructor Allan R. Cahoon, M,Sc. (Brigham Young University); Ph.D., Public Administration (Syracuse University); Professional Development Program, N.T.L. Institute for Professional Development. Dr. Cahoon is currently with the Faculty of Business at the University of Calgary: Application for Registrati 5 Women as Managers Spring 1978 Name Address 5_— Postal Code —___ Home Phone Employer Occupation Business Address 0 ee soos sm lanai moneda meena tig FO EO Business Phone Fee: $75.00 lenclose$__________, For registration by mail course fee must accompany this form. Please make cheque payable to Simon Fraser University and mail to: Management Programs, Continuing Studies, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 1S6.