THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster,B.C. Editor: Judie Steeves, Surrey campus Telephone: 588-4411, loc. 283 '_ EXERPT FROM NEWS RELEASE Courses on the management of social housing complexes will be offered by Douglas College simultaneously in Victoria, Prince George and New West- minster this Fall. Beginning in Victoria on Oct. 16 and 17, a short training program in Social Housing Management will be offered as a pilot project, by Douglas and Camosun Colleges. The courses will be held in day-long and weekend-long sessions on alternate weekends for a total of eight days. They are mainly funded by the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), and are supported by the B.C. Housing Management Commission. They were dev- eloped in 1975 by Douglas College, with the help of both groups. At Douglas College, the program was first offered as a pilot project in the summer of 1975. Six months later, a full evening credit program was launched and it continues this Fall on the New Westminster campus. Program Coordinator, Ron Paton of Douglas College, hopes the weekend pilot programs starting in Victoria and Prince George in October will be as successful as the program at Douglas. "If they are, we hope to package the courses so that all community _ colleges in the province will be able to offer them," he commented. I, A_ FIRST AID HINT MAYBE FOR NEXT SUMMER (HA HA) * 5 OR FOR THOSE WHO GO WHERE THE SUN SHINES. ‘ HEATSTROKE R SUNBATHERS AND OUTDOOR WORKERS OFTENB SUFFER b THE DISCOMFORT AND THE DANGER OF HEATSTROKE SYMPTONS RNAUSEA, HEADACHE, DIZZINESS SKIN HOT RDRY AND RED BREATHING DEEP AND FAST TREATMENT REMOVE PATIENT TO COOLEST PLACE AVAILABLE. REMOVE PATIENT'S CLOTHING . BPLACE PATIENT IN THREE QUARTER PRONE POSITION f (HEAD AND SHOULDERS RAISED SLIGHTLY IF UNCONSCIOUS HSPONGE ENTIRE BODY WITH COLD WATER AND FAN. DO NOT GIVE HOT DRINKS OR STIMULANTS. GIVE PATIENT COOL NOT COLD WATER GET PATIENT TO MEDICAL ATTENTION. SAFETY COMMITTEE DEBBIE HIGGINS FIRE BELL RINGS SO WHO CARES ? gil HOPE THIS IS NOT THE ATTITUDE OF THE STUDENTS RSTAFF AND FACULTY. TAKE A COUPLE OF MINUTES AND gREAD THE PAMPHLET POSTED ON A BULLETIN BOARD BNEAR TO YOU. KNOWING CAN HELP YOU ESCAPE FROM A BURNING BUILDING QUICKLY WITHOUT y INJURY. : SAFETY COMMITTEE DEBBIE HIGGINS STHAT GLEAMING IN THE SKY IS NOT A BIRD OR SUPERMAN ¥IT IS THE EXTENSIONS ON THE LADDERS. (HURRAH) MISSING Somewhere between New Westminster and Coquitlam Campuses 1 box of papers containing sheets of addition columns for practise on a calculator. Have you seen it? Please send to Room 318 New Westminster. Very Urgent! Vel Smith Ame” Effective immediately the following position in the College is available. Position: Circulation Clerk - Reserves/ Overdues/Audio-visual Library Clerk I 764.00 - $857.00 Classification: Salary: The job description for this position is posted on all Staff Notice Boards. ~