| | | OL AL ELE AITO | A Management Development Program for Women* Continuing Studies Simon Fraser University Improving Communication - Skills March 10 and 11 Simon Fraser University Business and professional life demands the ability to communicate effectively ata number of levels. . .on aone-to-one basis, in small groups, and in large meetings, to colleagues apd to others. Increasing management responsibility requires more efficient and more effective communication skills. This workshop, which combines lectures and participation, is intended to increase the perspective and skill of participants in becoming more effective oral communicators. Content: @ building confidence e improving clarity e interviewing e dealing with criticism e controlling speech anxiety e achieving credibility e increasing interpersonal communication skills ; ® organizing content @ presenting and supporting issues persuasively e developing visual effectiveness Workshop activities will include formulating and presenting points of view to both small and large groups, and decision-making in groups. Optional Video Component: An optional component of the workshop will be the use of videotape to provide participants with immediate, observable, feedback. instructor: Marsha Trew, B.A. (Economics, University of Kansas), M.A. (Mississippi), Ph.D. (Speech Communication, Michigan State University). Dr. Trew has taught courses in interpersonal communications, research and statistics and small group process. Date and Time: Friday, March 10, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, March 11, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Location: Room 3171 Administration Building Simon Fraser University Fee: $65.00 (includes lunch both days) & te Preregistration: om sal Preregistration is required by March 6. bi of Enrolment is limited. oe See ihe Wigee crite 1 So oe eo) For Further Information: S a Contact the Office of Continuing Studies, wn Simon Fraser University, 291-4304. < oS, 2 i Application for Registration Form Q Improving Communication Skills Spring 1978 Name. Address. Postal Code. Home Phone. Employ Occupation. Business Address. Postal Code. Business Phone. Fee: $65.00 lenclose $__._-__ For registration by mail course fee must accompany this form. Please make cheque payable to Simon Fraser University and mail to: Management Program, Continuing Studies, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6. This program is specifically designed for women interested in management growth and professional development. It is open, however, to men and women. ; FOR SALE “17' Shasta trailer - stove, fridge, toilet ~ excellent condition; complete with equalizer hitch - $1900.00. call Pat, Surrey Campus, local 236. Please