OF MONTREAL Public Relations and Information Office, Room AD233, Administration Building, . is 7141 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal 262, Quebec, Telephone 482-0320, Ext. 437-438. May 1974 In today's society the flow of new knowledge and technoloay is rendering prior learning increas inaly obsolete. Learning acquired as children becomes less and less adequate in enabling adults to face the practical realities of changes in technology. The necessity of life-long learning has been recently documented by the UNESCO report "Learning to be* and the Commission on Post-Secondary Education in Ontario. In the Province of Quebec there are almost as many adults participating in formal education on a part-time basis as there are youths studying on a full-time basis. The need for well operated, well staffed systems of continuing education is evident. Teacher training has been traditionally directed towards the education of youth. Yet the research evidence is clear that the nature and capabilities of adult learners demand educational methodologies dif- ferent from those in use with children. Teacher training based upon the nature of the adult learner is required in order to develop qualified adult educators. This is needed particularly for those administrators and teachers in adult centers in Quebec, for they have had no formal education in the teaching of adults and little attention has been paid to this situation in the past. The programme in Andragogy has been developed to assist those people engaged in the continuing education of adults to acquire the knowledge and competency to assist with the continuous education of the adult learner. These people may be teachers, administrators, training directors, in-service education supervisors, public health nurses, librarians, or others whose function is to help adult learners.