Everything you need to know about Google+ What is it? Why is it helpful to students? Will it change social networking? Maria Asselin-Roy Staff Reporter ecently, Google has finally R sees Google+ as the next big thing in social networking. While it is still in testing and right now it can be accessed by invite only, Google+ has already been considered a success. As of July 22 there are over 20 million users. Web Pro News is a site that specializes in social media trends, and they claim that the explosive growth makes Google+ the fastest growing social networking site in history. This is a potential danger to other networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, because Google+ has taken the characteristics of these sites and found ways to mould them together while adding new features to create a productive and organized social networking site. So what exactly is Google+? According to Google, it is a collaboration of the several services that we already use, only in a “better and more productive format”. Its layout is similar to Facebook. There is a place to update your status, upload your photos and videos, new notifications, etc. One of the main features is titled “Circles”, and it is used to group your friends together. Google Circles are groups of friends you organize by topic: Friends, Family, College Buddies, Coworkers, etc. Google has also added the functions of Twitter into this feature. They have done this by adding a “following” section into Circles. Google says this is for “People who you don’t know you personally, but whose posts you find interesting”: Google Circles is simple enough, as all you do is drag and drop your contacts into each of these groups. Circles are beneficial because by organizing your contacts into categories, it makes it easier to share what you want with them. For example, under “Stream” (which is the equivalent of Facebook’s Newsfeed) you can decide which contacts can see your posts. Your posts can either be public, or they can be restricted to certain groups in your Circles. This way, your family doesn’t need to know that you were out partying until 3am. Another new feature is “Sparks”. Sparks brings content to you automatically, based on what your interests are. According to Google, “each topic will get its own Spark page and provide links to related articles, photos, etc.” Google has also added “Hangouts” into the mix. Google describes Hangouts as “virtual rooms where you can video chat with people in your circles”. Like Facebook, there is an instant messaging feature. Unlike Facebook however, there is a group messaging app for smart- phones. Called “Huddle”, this feature allows for group messaging within your Circles. Possibly one of the most innovative features on Google+ is how to access it. If you have an account, when you go to www.google.ca, the toolbar will have one added tab. “+Your name” will be added to the left of the other tabs Google has to offer, like Web and Images. Smart- phones have already taken advantage of the Google+ opportunity and there is now an app to do all of this from your phone. According to student reviews, the features that Google+ provides prove to be very useful and productive in terms of organizing a typical student’s life. The feature “Hangouts” allows you to set up a group with whoever you want, and even allows members within a group to watch a YouTube video together. This has great potential for creating and using study groups. “Circles” allows you to share some things with college friends, family members, coworkers, and more. Student reviewers say that “Since this is similar to real life, we use it to our advantage and post things that only our friends or study groups can see”. The mobile app called “Huddle” allows you to message your friends for free, and you can message up to 50 people at a time. According to student reviews, “college will only get easier when you take advantage of all Google’s free services.” Since Google is continuously seeking to expand their products so that they are easier to use to make life less cluttered, Google+ evaluators say that “You can’t really go wrong with Google+”. Google+ has captured the attention of internet users worldwide. While it is still in its beta phase there is only a limited number of people able to receive invitations. Google has tried in the past to create social networking sites to out do competitors like Facebook. Projects like Google Wave are deemed less successful because it has seen a limited increase in users. Google+ differs from this in the sense that current users say that “Google+ offers what the general public wants right now; everything you need in a social networking site is available right here. There have been many tries in the past to create something like this, but none were popular enough”. Only time will tell if Google+ really is the new face of the social network, but until then you can’t go wrong with giving it a try. Looking for somewhere to hide out during exam week? Local cafe still open for business By Jenn Markham espite some inquiries to the Other Press about our local cafe being closed, The Hide Out Cafe is still very much open for business every Monday to Friday from 8am-4pm and Saturdays from 1lam-6pm. Don’t let the kitschy black curtain decor fool you, during business hours they are pulled together to add a modern day decor feel to the neighbourhood cafe atmosphere. With a variety of seating and wireless internet, it’s a great for studying, or grabbing a coffee as study break with a friend. The Hide Out Cafe is also a superb place to grab healthy lunch options, such as vegan and soy alternatives. The website perfectly sums up that “the idea 4 behind the hide out cafe was to integrate simple and fresh ingredients to paninis, wraps, salads, homemade soups using fresh herbs, homemade sauces and dressings. The cafe boasts an appetizing menu, broad tea selection and locally roasted fair- trade organic coffee from Continental Coffee on Commercial Drive, Vancouver, B.C.” Someone on a student budget might shy away, but numerous student Teviews say the quality is worth paying a little extra she got a “positive impression because it is quite quaint, a nice little : m= place, and they gave me 10% off” That’s right, show your student ID and receive 10% off. Neeson’s favourite drink is their hazelnut white chocolate mocha. The Hide Out Cafe is located a minute walk from the New Westminster campus, on Carnarvon St, between the College and it’s alternative parking structure on the same street. The staff is super friendly and sociable, adding to the welcoming atmosphere. They even serve wine and beer! So next time you can spare a minute or two, wander down and check them out. The Hide Out Cafe 716 Carnarvon Street New Westminster, B.C. 604-521-3344 www.thehideoutcafe.com