CRAIGSLIST TAKETHW AWAY One of the simult Anele aneously mo, iti se IY Most excitin . ol au {i 8 new home'address is th Octal est tedious Parts of Let me be clear: there’ . explain how the cycle works, in six cay step takes Sem regular Purge oth absolutely voting ong with conducti without ive dP you call pétsonal'belongings, ever © , Ss. eve 1. The first time YOU move out, there’s | | a mad dash to accumulate all of welling. Howecs your trope if f da nb ; Ping hundreds’ of dollars on buti | ng @ p ’ a yi woe . 1 . * fh . + y . » trade up for better versi 1 v i enDigh eel ersions, but overall the number of things imsi | gS you own —_to thé whimsical (a box of stickbugs which ‘Which remains the weirdest post 3. An impendin ; move—either th . external factors moc rough your own doi ean $ you'll s t ng. or due to Even if the * same “fe thie mood 00n Be Too : . nif the “fr * cartinn Ge i rowdy Is this item worth moving ee “ ney item with the to do a bulk reel eon is slim pretings, never just rush out throne of ee rnd, Tears are shed: son lobal giant YOu prefer. Som Pe al IKEA, Walmart, or whatev money, Marie Kond8 releases a single ae atop a ca e-box and were never assebon fas out with items that are - Mr. Burns-esque used Turniture can mean say; €d, but even choosi Saving up to 50 per cent osing gently “Excellent.” 5. Once moving j i nto the new pl . ; As satisfying as it j ; pat of those fow-purge 4 item sweet quickly realize how necessary is also apr . fas ae te treasures from the free secti op milar to stage one. ‘aNd beGin a rebuilding phase you're desperate to have, load during your purge. Post in “fe Craigslist 6. Repeat until the end of time, turnin a profit, ft also beats. raving i pe your space/apathetic abowt Yen Having to pay to have a removal service come i fy urself, or OF you. TT AEAN iN 6LESS WERE YO WOME 1S NOWAL EFFECTS ARE ear throughout hat's the point in ma tra averaging a move per y ity of, Wher doyment, ore baty to adopt the mentality J money ino 8 vesidence, but t ' ‘NY invest time and m ed again aw h phases where I'll invest i's notice. nknowinaly address e throug dy to move at a momen ive times in a single year. & ol “Nestin - teady moved five neh stie first moved od with me a t've personally a belongings havin pack my sonal best of havir known bac : } toh hae w e thing she Wis SP yeath. | started {too tat car grounded.” sne mite a even fully un . : ‘elle Haslip. who 9 My friend Danielle her if there was On my mental os te mental Wat ond Su id impor Up MS ie ean ‘at then | realized that putting is important TOF ee and a garland | ha i n't sure I'd be stay! ic at all times blanket. twinkle ie at effort into setting uP oped not feel $0 transitional of oneal has a point in how consistency , om (nto, feel like for every room We Vights-blanket-gartand combo. “| always hesitate bit of effort to m I'm not advisin that yo can be a calming thing. ake any place aint u tush out £0 buy (rest Fe fin twin Now all you nee d your own PET-FRIENDLY, AND PET-NOT-SO-FRIENDLY frequently and efficiently. One major handicap, however—and one to avoid if you're not There are many facets to effectively oa et owner. As someone who Trequently shares a bed with a six-year-old cat, owning a pet is to a survey conducted anada already in this situation—is becoming a P ut for renters it can be a nightmare. Consider how. according cy rates in Metropolitan Vancouver were at ‘0.7 per cent for one and a wonderful experience otherwise, Mortgage and Housing Corp., at the end of last year, vaca two-bedroom units. It’s already an uphill battle finding’a place to live, and if you add in the prerequisite of “pet-friendly,” your ch. options go from slim to near-zi While some landlords don't allow dogs or cats, the aversion towards pets can transcend all the way to even a fish. And, unfortunately, it's common for people to surrender their pets to the BC SPCA because they're in the position where they have to choose between their pet and having a place to live. Even though te neluding a recent petition advocates are speaking up to challenge landlords’ rights to ban p started by the Animal Protection Part of Canada—it’s unlikely that a sweping change will occur any time soon. if your five-year plan contains even the possibility of having to move, you might want to hold off on brin ing another organism into the fold. Instéad, try volunteering to be a foster guardian for the BC SPCA, through the city of Vancouver website, or t rough Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association (VOKRA). erience, or it can be a drawn-out, hellish Moving can be an exciting, leaf-turning ex nightnfare. More often than not, it’s a ealth mixture of the two. No matter how chaotic might feel now, never 40se sight of how, in a few months, things tled into your new place—at least, and in disarra ee g will have settled down and you'll be comfortably se until the next time you have to move. ee Ee